Thursday, December 23, 2010

Attic Find

A few weeks back I was helping my parents clean out their attic.  In one of the boxes I found this:

It was dirty and tarnished but I knew it had potential to be beautiful.  With a soft cloth and some tarn-x I went to work on it.

It took a little bit of time and effort, but in the end I got a great piece.  My mom thinks it was my Grandmother's.  Either way...I'm just happy I saved it from being thrown out.  

Technically it's a old fashioned coffee maker.  I don't think I will use it as it was intended...I just love how it looks.

It makes a lovely touch to my holiday table.  You never know what you might find in a forgotten box in the attic.  

Two days until Christmas...ready or not it's almost here.  I think I'm ready.  How about you?  Hope to hear from you.  As always, I love and appreciate your comments.



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