Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cleaning up a Drawer

I have two drawers in my mud room that I keep some of my kids art supplies.  The other day my daughter needed a few markers for a project.  She couldn't find what she was looking for.  I went over to see why and saw this disaster.
Well it's no wonder she couldn't find what she was looking for.  What a mess.
First step...completely empty out the drawers.
Whenever you clean up a drawer or a closet, things have to get worse before they get better.  This is the mess from one of the drawers now making a mess on the countertop.
I tested every single marker and pen and threw out any that were dried up.  There were many.  I then sorted all of the items by type...crayons, pens, markers, erasers, pencils.  I took anything that didn't belong in the drawer and returned it to where it belonged in the house.  Plus I found plenty of junk in the drawer that got thrown out.
Here is the end result.
So much better.
Now the next time anyone needs a marker, pencil or crayon there should no longer be any issues.  I know it takes a little time, but in the end it ultimately saves time when things are organized and easy to find.  For me, it just makes me a little happier opening up these drawers.  How about you?  What have you been organizing lately?



  1. All you organized girls are putting me to shame.

  2. Hi Judy, beautiful work, and it looks much neater.

    Your Secret Follower

  3. I love such organisation...
    See you soon!

  4. LOVE the look of a clean and organized craft drawer!!

  5. Can you come to my house? My 6-year-old daughter is a budding artist and it shows in the craft drawer! I am inspired to work on it now after seeing yours! Thanks! BTW - thanks for visiting my blog - I am so glad to have found you here and can't wait to stroll through your posts. I love your bedroom! The colors, fabrics, and theme is wonderful. I love your wall decals...wish there was a Homegoods store near me. I am in Northeast PA and need to search for one! Thanks for the inspiration...I look forward to hearing more from you in the future!
    Stacey :o)

  6. Looks great! It'll be so much easier for your little girl to create now that her crafting drawers are so organized. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow! It looks great! I love to organize! I'm now following from I hope you'll come by and check it out! BJ

  8. That drawer is beautiful! Great job! I have a drawer in the kitchen that could use some magic like that;) Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment about my flat sheet curtains. So glad you introduced your blog! :)

  9. that looks really nice! let's hope that it stays that way ;-)

  10. Perfect! Stop by my blog on Friday, I'm passing on an award to you :)


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