Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award - Wow Thanks

I was very excited this morning when I read through my comments and found that Molly had presented me with my very first blogger award.   Yesterday I hit 200 followers and today my first's been a really good week. 

She got my name from  Debbiedoos.  I have been a fan of Debbie from day one of me blogging and she is a great source of help for anyone new to blogging.   

So here's how the award works:

First - I have to list seven things about myself .
Second - I have to pass along the award to seven people who have inspired me.  


1.  I am the oldest of three.  I have twin brothers 16 months younger than me.  My parents still live in the same house that I grew up in about twenty minutes from where I live now.  The three of us played sports constantly growing up.  My brothers and father trained me to be an athlete.  My parents were ahead of their time and let me play with the boys in sports...keep in mind I was born in 1968 so I was a child in the 70's.

2.   I met my husband on my first day of college.  He was a sophomore when I was a freshman.  He lived two doors down from me on my dorm floor.  I was miserably homesick that first week so I don't totally remember our first meeting.  As it turned out he lived only 15 minutes away from me at home.  Over time we discovered that we had been in the same magic class when he was seven and I was six (neither of us remember it, but we have the pictures to prove it - maybe somewhere deep in our memory we do remember).  We were "just friends" for six months, although inseparable.  It soon became apparent to everyone that we were meant to be together.  I graduated from college in three years instead of four, mainly because I could, but also because he was graduating.  That is so telling of my personality...I put 200% into anything and everything I do.  

3.  I went to Law School after college.  I married my husband two months after graduation from Law School.  We were engaged for almost two years because it was really important to me to graduate first before getting married.  I wanted my Law degree in my maiden name, and still use my maiden name in business.   I became a sole practitioner in 1995 specializing in Real Estate and Wills and Trusts.  It has been a very good career for me allowing me tremendous flexibility.  

4.  I have two beautiful children.  A son who is thirteen and a daughter who is ten.  They are both May babies...which was important because my husband is an Partner in a large accounting firm and he needed me to deliver after busy season.  Glad I could accommodate his

5.  I am extremely competitive in everything I do.  I am an avid tennis player.  I play 4-5 times a week and work out at least three days a week (so that I can play the 4-5 days a week).  If I didn't work out I would be injured all of the time (I know this because that's what I used to do).  I believe I have so much energy because I keep myself so active.   

6.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE decorating...shocker, right?  I agree with Nate Berkus that your home should rise up to greet you.  I have never hired an interior decorator (although I've tried to a few times)...mainly because I want my home to be an expression of who I am and for me, working with a decorator just doesn't achieve that end.  My husband is very handy as well and the two of us make a great team when it comes to home projects.  

7.   I am definitely a type A personality.  I set goals and I make sure I achieve them.  At times, it's an exhausting way to live.  I love to be organized.  When I'm not organized I feel completely out of sorts (I guess a little OCD as well).  


Back in August I first discovered this thing called blogging.  I am embarrassed to say that I didn't even know what a blog was until I stumbled upon my first nominee...

1.  Centsational Girl
In my opinion, she is one of the Queen's of the blog world.  She is extremely talented and is a true inspiration to anyone who reads her blog.  You probably all already know her but I had to give her this award anyhow because she is really the blog that started it all for me.

2. Isabella and Max Rooms
Janell is amazing.  She was the second blog I ever discovered.  I found her blog through Rate My Space on HGTV.  Her daughter's room is what first caught my eye and is just gorgeous... and she made almost everything in her daughter's room.  She is one class act.  I love her projects and love the new look of her blog.  

3.  Southern in my Heart
I have told Vanessa that she is my best friend in blogland.  Vanessa is amazing for my ego.  She is so incredibly kind and her comments often make my entire day.  Her comments mean so much to me because she herself is so talented and has such a gorgeous home.  Please check out her won't be disappointed.  

 4.  A Stroll Through Life
I love Marty.  She has the most beautiful vignettes you will ever see.  She is forever finding the best bargains at Goodwill or garage sales.  Marty doesn't know this, but she looks incredibly like my mom (at least in the picture on her blog).  So much so that I showed my mom Marty's blog the other day and my mom asked..."hey, is that a picture of me?"  My mom is convinced now that she is somehow related to Marty.  I don't know about that, but Marty's incredibly talented.  You have to check her out.

5. House of Turquoise
Erin from House of Turquoise is amazing.  Her blog is better than any magazine subscription you could have.  She finds the most awe-inspiring spaces I have ever seen...and all featuring one of my favorite colors...aqua.  She has several other blogs she maintains as well.  If you are looking for inspiration, you have to check out Erin's blog.

6.  All Things Heart and Home
Robin's blog is just beautiful.  She has a "All Things Inspired" party every Wednesday and there's just something so warm and inviting about her blog.  If you haven't visited her before, please do.  It's worth the trip.

7.  Freckled Laundry
Jami's blog is all about creating a vintage chic home.  She is super talented and has an incredible eye for design.  She's only been blogging since May, but with 670 followers already, you know she is sure to be around for a long time.  I hope you go check her out.

Thank you again to Molly for the award.  I hope you go and check out her blog.  I'm off to let the nominees know about their award.  Have a great day.  




  1. Thanks Judy!! I will have to pass this on! Love your blog as well...:)

  2. Judy, congratulations! You ARE a stylish blogger and I'm so happy you were recognized for all the lovely inspirations from you! What a wonderful week for you!!

  3. Congratulations on your first award, AND reaching 200 followers! So well-deserved! Thank so you so much for passing the award on to me, and especially for all the kind words! :)

  4. Hi judy, congrats on the FUN! FYI graphicsfairy has backgrounds that are now designed for our new templates, easy step by step,...I just changed one for a blogging friend, there are NOT a lot of designs yet but what she has is nice.

  5. PS Thanks for the shout out too....I mis spoke, I meant to say it is the background fairy...although the same gal I believe she has two websites....

  6. Judy you are too kind! Thank you for including me among a list of amazing ladies, I'm so excited for you joining the blog world! Isn't this community great? Keep up the fab work, and oh "I humbly accept!"


  7. Great post Judy! I feel like I know you a little better. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Just happened onto your fun blog!

    My husband and I met the first day of college also, and we also have a 13 year old son with a May birthday!

    Looking forward to keeping up with your blog! :)

  9. Judy! You are WAY beyond sweet for passing this along to me and your incredibly kind words as well! I don't know how I missed this post today (kind of a crazy day so that may be why!) but I definitely appreciate it and I so enjoyed learning more about you. So neat to hear about how you met your hubby and the history you had together before you even knew each other! And you are a Lawyer! You are one multi-faceted and talented lady. :-) Thanks again for sharing your life with us and for being such a sweet friend here in blogland!

  10. Hey, Judy.

    Thanks for visiting my blog (Projects Plenty). We have A LOT in common (I am also an attorney, was an avid tennis player until rotator cuff repair a couple years ago, and love decorating and blogging). The kitchen pictured on your header is GORGEOUS... is it yours? Thanks for sharing and I will be checking out your blog and the people (blogs) who have inspired you.


  11. What a great way to get to know you. Your work that you have done in your house is very "designer" like, maybe a lawyer wasn't your calling. I am going to be a follower now that I am here, I have been browsing here for a while and you really have some GREAT posts. Thanks stopping by my blog, I really appreciate it.

  12. Congrats Judy!! you deserve it!! love the Make over posts!!

  13. Thank you SO much for the award, Judy. Congrats on getting one yourself! Loved reading a little about you...I tend to be a bit OCD myself and freak when things are chaotic & out of place, too. Unfortunately, with toddler twins running amuck, it happens a bit more than I'd like. I really appreciate you choosing me for your list!



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