Friday, February 4, 2011

Planning a Mud Room Makeover

I can't believe it's already February.  I think it's time for me to start addressing some of my home goals I set for 2011.  If you want to check out all of my home goals, click here.  The first goal I am ready to tackle is our mud room.  Before you start any project, it's a good idea to have a clear plan as to what you want to achieve.
In the case of my mud room, it needs an aesthetic makeover as well as a functional makeover.  First and foremost, the wallpaper and border need to come down.  I loved it eleven years ago, but I am over its busy pattern.

Image from Centsational Girl
Instead of the wallpaper, I want to do a board and batten treatment on the long wall in the mud room.  I think it will be a great look for the mudroom.  Centsational Girl has one of the best tutorials out there.  I plan on referring to it often during the project.
Image from Ballard Designs
The second issue with my mud room is, although I have a beautiful front door and foyer, 95% of the people who visit my home seem to use my side door. My side door is right next to the washer and dryer.  With a family of four, laundry is done often and therefore it seems like 50% of the time there is laundry hanging on a rack right next to the door.  I would love to figure out a way to not have a drying rack on the floor. This laundry rack from Ballard Designs might be perfect.  I will have to figure out a way to duplicate the functionality of this rack, without the high price tag Ballard Designs has attached to this one.
Image from Pottery Barn

Our mudroom seems to be the hub of our home.  It's where all school calendars, assignments, sports info etc gets kept.  I love the organizer from Pottery Barn above.  I'm sure I can come up with something similar...I'm thinking a field trip to Home Goods maybe.  A good organizational area is a must.

I also would love to fit a bench and some hooks to hang jackets and school bags.  The long narrow space makes this a challenge.  However, if I can work out the laundry hanging situation, I think I can make the bench happen.

I can't wait to start this project (do you hear that honey?).  My first step will be going to Home Depot to pick up the wood.  Home Depot is great because if you have your measurements, they will cut the wood to size for you at no cost.  One less step for me.  The most fun part of this project will be getting to use my Christmas gift on that board and batten project.

Let me know what you think of my proposed project.  Hope you all have a great weekend.  Don't forget my party will be open for another day.  Hope you join in the fun.



  1. Looks great!! That space will be totally transformed :0)

  2. I will be nice when you get it done can't wit to see it. I'm still working on the office/ guest room it take time when it's just me.. Have a great day.


  3. Love the board and batten idea, it will be stunning in your room. Great ideas. Can't wait to see it all done. Hugs, Marty

  4. Love your makeover plan. Both the board and batten and the Ballard designs drying rack are in my laundry room inspiration files, too! Can't wait to see when it's done.

  5. Love all your ideas. I remember seeing an idea for a fold up drying rack & I think I found a good replica of that concept. I just sent you an email with the info. At least I hope the right stuff gets to you. It's from Lowe's Creative Ideas for Home and Garden. Hope it helps.

  6. Aaaaaah, my most favorite thing ever!!!! Makeovers! Love this space, you're ideas are brilliant! It will be totally functional and beautiful! FYI, I built one of those drying racks, you can too with all your tools! Email me if you're interested in the link!

    fun fun fun

  7. Ooooo...I can't wait to watch your plans as they unfold Judy! I just know it will be gorgeous! Be sure to come by and enter to win the $25 Overstock gift card giveaway today! :-)

  8. Hi
    What inspiration. I love the clothes dryer also. Thank you for visiting My Cozy Corner. I'm joining as a follower.

  9. I love your inspiration pictures! Can't wait to see how the room comes along! I sooo wish that I had a space for a mud room. I've considered making a mud room area in the garage, right before you walk in the door. Maybe someday! :)

    Have a great day!

  10. Judy it's going to be beautiful. Love all your ideas.

    Happy weekend! ~Melissa :)

  11. Love it! I want to redo my mudroom and laundry room. I so think you could make that drying rack! They almost look like light weight window frames. or even a nice molding and then making frames out of them. Okay you've got my creative juices flowing now! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Heather @At The Picket Fence

  12. So many great ideas, Judy! I would love to have enough room by a back door to do that one with the bench and the coat rack.

  13. Oh I love your blog! Thanks for following me...and now I am your newest follower! I love the board and batten treatment, I think that would look awesome in your mud room!

  14. Following you back, thanks!
    Suz from Well to Do

  15. It is going to be awesome Judy! I look forward to the makeover.

  16. I can't wait to see what you do with it. Our laundry/mudrooms are almost identical and I am planning on starting mine soon too. We even have similar ideas as far as the b&b and ballard drying rack! looking forward to seeing your work!

  17. thanks for visiting my blog, I am now following yours :) Make sure to come link up on Tuesday!

  18. My husband and I are closing on a house next week and what you've put together here is EXACTLY what I want to do to our mudroom/laundry room combo. I will be hanging on your every post!

  19. Hey there Judy! I appreciate you stopping by and checking out my blog.. looks like I'll need to hang out on yours to get some tips!!! I'm looking forward to getting some inspiration!! YAY!! Oh, and I'm a follower now! :)

  20. It's going to look great! Half the fun is planning what you're going to do. :)

  21. Judy I highlighted your blog today in my post! I hope it's okay with you...:)

  22. Hey girl I had some glitches in my blog and had to recreate a new one will you please come follow me there its thank you!!

  23. I too look at pictures like these for inspiration. We can adopt ideas from them and work them into our own homes. You have some good ideas, it will be fun to make them happen.
    I'm visiting from Melissas blog as she listed me too!

  24. I think your plan is awesome. Our mudroom/ laundry room are almost the same. I have all the same plans! Great minds think alike! If you need ideas on how to pull off the Ballard drying rack check out the CSI Project. They had a whole week of Ballard Design knockoffs. There were many drying racks. That's where I'm heading when it comes time to plan!


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