Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bringing Color To A Backyard

Over the weekend I was very busy working in our backyard.  The weather was beautiful here so it was a good time to plant flowers and add some much needed color to my landscaping.
I had bought a pot at Home Goods the other day.  I started by added rock to the bottom to help with drainage.
Then I took the flowers from this hanging basket...
and planted them in my Home Goods pot...adding instant color to the patio.

I also bought a few flats of annuals, and planted them along the side planter.   This took me a long time and my back was very tired by the end of the day.
Remember my new hydrangea bush...
It's been planted in my side planter as well.
The backyard is really starting to come together.  How about you...how far along are you with your Spring planting?

Don't forget my Swing into Spring party opens tonight at 8pm EST.  Hope to see you then!



  1. Everything looks so groomed! Very pretty. I'll be doing some work out in my borders today...another nice day in the northeast!

  2. So pretty Judy! Isn't gardening back-breaking work? I did a lot of gardening over the last few days too and oh my achy breaky back :) But all worth it when it's done - I absolutely love that turquoise pot of yours with the colors of the petunias - such a pretty combination! Enjoy!

  3. It all looks so beautiful! I can't wait until our landscape starts filling in like this. It's amazing how behind our blooming is in Central NY.

  4. Good morning Judy. I love the way you transformed the Chiminea... it looks perfect in that flower bed. Loving the aqua planter and the splash of color it brings with the petunias in it... your backyard is looking gorgeous.. can't wait to see when you are finished putting your special touches... I love the white petunias along the flower bed.. Thanks for sharing with us and hosting this party for us each week. Its finally warming up in the northeast and I can't wait to get started this weekend with my planting.Have a great week!~Poppy


  5. Judy, love that new pot... My color for the yard if it's ever missing you know where it is...


  6. It looks beautiful out there Judy. You must love sitting out there and seeing how pretty it looks.

  7. Judy...your back yard is gorgeous! You can tell you have been working very hard!
    Have a restful day,

  8. You have a spectacular yard Judy! Enjoy all the blooms!

  9. I just started this past weekend, Judy. I usually buy what I can plant in a weekend or day, then I'll go back and get more. I do the same thing with hanging baskets, especially the ones they make up with different annuals in them. Instant color and I don't have to do anything. I actually just plop the pot it's in in a bigger pot on my patio or up by the pool.

  10. Your yards look beautiful. Love your new patio Just joined your blog and look forward to seeing your transformation. Love your chiminea!

  11. Your yard is the subject of envy on my part. So lovely!


  12. spring planting is under way and there are plans to pop the backyard with some orange this summer... we'll see! :) Your yard is looking great!

  13. Your flowers look terrific! We're about half way with the planting so far. Our yard is a work-in-progress, though. So that half is only half of what we're planning for this year, we have long term plans for other parts of our yard. Love the tip on using annuals from a hanging basket. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Hey Judy! The sun is FINALLY shining here today! Hallelujah! :-) My girl and I were just outside working in the garden and enjoying it...which means that while mommy was "working" she was planting sticks in the dirt so we could have a "stick garden". LOL! Gotta love 3 year olds!
    Enjoy your beautiful yard and your sprucing up...it all looks gorgeous.
    P.S. My kiddos gave me the same hydrangea for mother's day! :-)

  15. I love the way it looks. Ours is somehow managing to come along nicely despite the bad drought we had.

  16. You've got me wanting to go outside and plant more color. I like how your landscaping is going.

  17. I really have to work hard to bring color back to my desert home, since all my beautiful colors were killed by the record breaking freezes we had over the winter. We plan to re-plant this weekend!!

  18. I must say I am glad that my hubbie is in charge of all things garden. It really is best for the plants since my thumb is olive green at best. Looks like you are bringing spring to your yard. We've been enjoying our blooms here, too.

  19. Do you have a plant inside your outdoor fireplace? It's looks really beautiful around your place. I think your sore back was worth it if this is the final result!

    Thanks for a delightful stop this week for Alphabe-Thursday!


  20. The color from the flowers has brought springtime life to your gorgeously manicured yard! Thanks for sharing with us, I'm visiting from Centsational Girl's linky party!

    Mary @ Redo 101

  21. I have had a lot of fun finding pots at HomeGoods this year, too. Isn't it a fun place.
    Your petunias are gorgeous.

    I am popping over from the party.

    Glenda (#206)

    Gg - Notes on the Journey

  22. Beautiful post! Such lovely colours! Stunning:)
    Hope to see you on my blog...


  23. So pretty looking your backyard I see. It seems the flaming of the flower touched all the yard. Love the way you brought color in you backyard. I am sure I have to spend more time here to enjoy numerous post that will make me feel better. BY the way do you think adding sod or artificial turf can help to last the garden longer and also cost effective?


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