Monday, August 15, 2011

Let's Get Organizing - The Cosmetic Drawer

This summer has been really awesome.  However, we've been so busy having fun that things have gotten to be a bit of a mess here and there around my home.  Does that happen to you too over the summer?  To be honest, some of the mess actually dates back to prior to the summer.  The next few weeks are going to be spent organizing my home room by room.  I hope you will join me as I conquer the clutter and put things back in order, all before the kids go back to school (which will be after Labor Day).
Project number one for me is my make-up area.  For instance, see all those bags on the vanity...those are still there from the last trip we came back from almost two weeks ago.  Granted I was sick with salmonella poisoning for a while...but I'm healthy now and it was time to clean things up.

After clearing off some of the items on the vanity, I started emptying the drawers.

Technically, you are supposed to go through your make-up at least every year, depending on the product.  Well I haven't gone through my make-up in years.  I switched over to Bare Minerals make-up when my daughter was a toddler (which BTW has a much longer shelf life since it is all natural and made without any chemicals to bind it together).  If my calculations are right, that would mean that all the other make-up brands in the drawers have to be 8+ years old.  Yikes...think that's a problem?
Yep...that's lipstick that is half stuck in the cap.  
 Now I have gone through my make-up many times over the years, but for some reason I didn't get rid of all the old stuff.  Not this time... in the garbage all the old products went.

So when should you get rid of make-up?  Here are some guidelines to follow:

 Most powders, concealers and lip balms don't contain water, so they can last for a couple of years.
 Cleansers and moisturizers often contain fatty acids, which can turn rancid quickly. Toss after six months.
-  Multiuse products such as 3-in-1 sticks and creams can spread germs from lips to eyes and cheeks. Wipe the surface before switching areas, and discard or replace after six months.
-  Pencils can last several years unless you wet the tip with saliva or water. To be safe, sharpen before each use.
 Mascara should be tossed after three months without fail. The tube is a breeding ground for bacteria.
 Foundations can last up to a year if you keep your fingers away from the bottle. Instead, use a sponge to apply.
-  My rule of thumb with lipstick is when it starts to smell's time for it to be thrown out.

Next it was time to take all of my brushes and wash them with soapy water.  Some of the brushes needed some extra scrubbing to get all of the make-up off.  It's a good idea to do this from time to time to avoid the build-up of make-up on the brushes.
While the brushes were soaking, I started re-organizing the drawers.
By getting rid of the oldest products, which by the way had not been used in years, it left plenty of space for the products I actually do use.
After I was done organizing all of the products, I took a look at the vanity seat and thought it was time for a new seat cushion.
There were only a few screws to remove in order to recover the seat.
Using fabric I had left over from another project, I simply stapled new fabric over the old fabric.
This fabric is perfect for the bathroom.  It has all the right colors (it's actually the fabric I used for the window treatments in my home office).
You can see that I moved my brushes to the top of the vanity in a container I had in the mudroom (which wasn't really being used there).  I love that my make-up area is all neat, clean and organized now. it's your turn.  I hope you will be inspired to go through your make-up drawers and throw out all expired products.  You'll be happy you did.  



  1. Beautiful vanity and love the new fabric on the seat!

  2. The fabric is all you and goes so well with the vanity, great post on cleaning makeup, I have always cleaned my stuff every six months....

  3. Fabulous Judy! I need to do this too. Love the new fabric.

  4. I LOVE LOVE the fabric on the stool!! beautiful colors in it!

  5. Love your vanity! Wish I had room for one in my bedroom!

  6. Wow I wish I could get motivated to do all that~yours came out so neat. The stool looks great too.

  7. Yep, my house takes a hard hit over the Summer when it comes to clutter. I guess it's time for some 'Fall cleaning'?

    Love the vanity and the new fabric for the seat is very nice!

    Happy Monday :)

  8. I love the new fabric! I'm in the middle of re-arranging and reorganizing the family room. Right now it's a mess!
    I use Bare Minerals, as well, and have to clean out my cosmetics drawer every month or so. I like the clear trays you used to organize your drawers.

  9. I have a sample piece of that same fabric, Judy! : ) I just did this exact thing about a week ago. The only thing I never have to throw out is my eyeliner pencils because I use them right up and they are never around for longer than 3 months. I do tend to hang onto mascara too long, but I took care of that this clean out.

  10. I love your fabric choice, the stool looks great. Thanks for sharing!

  11. This has been on my to do list all summer & it still isn't done!!! Maybe this week. Yours looks great!

  12. It looks wonderful. I love the vanity and the new seatcover is gorgeous. I just need to get some new makeup. I think I am totally out of date all the way around. Hugs, Marty

  13. Salmonella poisoning? Ugh. That does not sound good.


    PS. I suspect it will not surprise you to learn that I don't even wear make-up. Not because I'm against it, but because I'm so bad at applying it!

  14. Oh, I really need to do some organizing in our bathroom too! It definitely seems like my own personal spaces get neglected the most but you are motivating me. :-) I love the new fabric on the stool too, it is just gorgeous!

  15. Hi, I'm just hopping over from the linky party @ naps on the porch. Love the new fabric on the stool and really love being motivated to organize my makeup! Looks like you like Bare Escentuals too :-)) Just became a new follower, Julie

  16. LOVE to see such inspiring organizing! So nice!

  17. Girl, you do much more than organizing. You are an organizdecor diva!

  18. This is such a labor of love! Thanks for linking up at Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)

  19. Wow- what a charming vanity you have and love the new fabric as well as your neat drawers! :)

  20. it's hard to throw away something you've forgotten to use. probably why it's a good idea to do this every few months. great idea & thanks for the tips on the makeups.

  21. I just went through and cleaned out my vanity drawer. I try to buy new mascara every three months, after getting pink eye once I always change it out. It is however time for me to wash my natural bristle brushes. Thanks for reminding me. Love your vanity too!~Ames

  22. Beautiful vanity! Love the fabric on the seat! I just cleaned out my make up (bathroom drawer). Getting ready to move it to a vanity area! ;)

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  23. I had TOO much fun looking at all your makeup! A girl's dream! ;) Love how it looks all fresh, clean, and perked up! Thanks for sharing!

  24. This was great and I love that vanity. Featured you today on Motivated Monday at BeColorful

  25. Wow Judy! You are so organized now. Love the fabric you chose with the wood of the vanity.

    I wear very little make-up but I was a little envious of your selection!

    Thanks for an inspiring link.


  26. Oh dear...I thought I could keep mascara for six months. I only use it on Sundays for church. (Can you tell I'm a little old lady.) I should really go through my stuff too!

  27. love the new fabric. I really should refabric my telephone seatie but I am too lazy. I don't wear makeup but perhaps I will start organizing my kitchen drawers. They are a mess

  28. Ooo. You may not want to soak your makeup brushes like that. You should never soak past the bristles or water will get into the handles and warp them. Also, love Bare Escentuals too!

  29. Love the choice of fabric for the reupholster for the chair, really makes the area look classier.

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