Friday, August 5, 2011

My Sushi Days Are Over

When it rains, it pours.  So as I wrote earlier in the week I have come down with a case of TMJ.  My jaw has been very sore and it has been hard to eat anything that requires much chewing.  On Saturday I was still away with my daughter at her tournament and we went into a Wegman's grocery store outside of Philadelphia and I bought a raw tuna roll for lunch.  I couldn't figure out what else to get that wouldn't hurt my jaw.   My eleven year old daughter told me three times I shouldn't buy it.  She kept saying, "you know daddy always says don't eat Sushi from a grocery store".  The woman behind the counter made it "fresh" for me so I felt some comfort that it hadn't been sitting there.

Well with each day that passed this week I got a little sicker and sicker.  By yesterday I was very sick and experiencing pain like I had never felt before (except for maybe labor).  After some emergency tests were performed I was diagnosed with Acute Infectious Colitis.  Basically very bad bacteria got into my body via a food I ate...hence the raw sushi.  Still waiting to hear exactly which bacteria is ravaging my body.  I am on antibiotics now (that should kill the typical offenders) and the doctor said hopefully by tomorrow I will start to feel a little better.  By doctor's orders no raw sushi for at least a year.  If you ask me...I'm done with raw...period!!

Hopefully by next week everything will be back to normal.

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Hope you have a great weekend.  I'll be lying here trying to recover.



  1. Oh Judy, I am so sorry!! That stinks. My mom just had it too and was in the hospital for it. I hope you feel better soon : )

  2. Oh no! That's terrible! I've never had an issue with Wegmans' sushi, and can't imagine giving up sushi for good. I hope you're feeling better soon. What an awful way to spend a trip out of town.

  3. Girl, I won't touch the stuff, in a grocery store or out anywhere! Wegmans is an excellent grocery store too, they have them up North, and everything is always fresh. I am so sorry you are so ill. Get better soon.

  4. I love Wegmans, and I love sushi even more! I couldn't imagine not being able to enjoy it. hope you feel better soon. sorry you got so sick.

  5. Oh you poor thing. I'm surprised at Wegmans, they are a great store. I'll never by grocery store sushi again. Hope you feel better real soon.
    Marianne :)

  6. Oh how awful - food poisoning is one of my worst nightmares! I get California rolls from Wegmans ALL the time - I think they are cooked though. I will definitely stay away from the tuna from now on have a smart daughter!
    Hope you feel better soon!

  7. How horrible!! Hope you feel better!!

  8. ugh! So awful Judy! I LOVE sushi, but I don't blame you for being turned off to it now. I hope you are feeling better soon my friend!!


  9. Holy cow!!! I'm so glad you are okay! That sounds so awful! I hope you're back to normal again soon!

  10. Had the same issue from eating frozen/thawed/frozen/thawed shrimp once.....brutal! Hospitalized for 10 days! In fact I will now always be suspicious of food!

    So sorry you're having this terrible time!

  11. I had that happen with oysters and NEVER ate one again... it's been 20 years... I'm over raw fish!

  12. Yikes!!!!! I love sushi but I never buy it from a grocery store mostly because I think it is overpriced. BTW, have you considered a chiropractor for your TMJ? I once had jaw inflammation so bad that I could hardly open my mouth for three days. I got my jaw adjusted and felt relief immediately and was pretty much pain free after a week. I was ordered to stay away from chewing gum after that......

  13. How awful! I hope you start feeling better soon.

  14. I am so sorry , Judy, you really have been through the mill lately.Get a good rest and recover, hopefully soon, and I send you lots of good wishes.
    ps I love sushi, but this story has really made me think.You can't be too careful , you can be so ill from raw fish !!

  15. yikes! I knew there was a reason i don't like sushi!!I hope you feel better soon,,

  16. Oh dear, my sister had that a few years back from eating lettuce in mexico. I am soooo sorry and I hope you feel better soon. Ugh, that is the WORST!

  17. Another reason I don't eat sushi :) Gosh I hope you start feeling better and the antibiotics work quickly. The TMJ? I have that too. Painful. I grind my teeth at night and I guess clinch my jaws during the day {I must need more spa days} anti-inflammatories work well for me, and a heating pad. Get better soon!

  18. Yikes! I hope you feel better (and as someone who lives in the Philly burbs I'm curious which Wegmans you went to!). Hopefully your meds kick in quickly.

    You should probably contact Wegmans if you can and inform them of your diagnosis, so they can either alert their customers or figure out what the heck happened!

    Feel better, Judy! xo

  19. owza! Hope you are feeling better soon!
    Thank you for popping by my place!
    Kerry at

  20. That's the pits. Hope you are feeling much better very soon!


  21. I hope you're feeling better by now, I have never been a fan, and definitely not now! Janell

  22. Yikes!!!!! I love sushi but I never buy it from a grocery store mostly because I think it is overpriced. BTW, have you considered a chiropractor for your TMJ? I once had jaw inflammation so bad that I could hardly open my mouth for three days. I got my jaw adjusted and felt relief immediately and was pretty much pain free after a week. I was ordered to stay away from chewing gum after that......


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