Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Christmas Tree

Our Christmas tree is the star of the show in my home.  I have a two story great room and have a ten foot tree in the corner of the room.  When we first moved into our home we had a six foot tree from our townhouse days.  I can't tell you how sad that little tree looked the first year in this room.  So sad, in fact, that the next year I moved the six foot tree into the living room where the ceilings are only nine feet tall, and put in on a small stand to try to make it look bigger.  It still looked like a small tree on a little stand.  So that year, the day after Christmas, I went to Treasure Island and bought this beautiful tree for 75% off. 
The tree is about seven years old now and still is perfect.  I did not get a pre-lit tree (I'm not even sure if that was an option seven years ago).  Instead I wrap each branch and have approximately 1300 white lights on the tree.  For me an artificial tree is the way to go for several reasons.  One, I like to put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving and I never have to worry about it drying out.  Two, I have alot of ornaments...alot of heavy ornaments.  A real tree wouldn't be able to hold all of my ornaments.  I often bend branches up to hold some of the heavier ornaments.
Here is a view of the tree from the kitchen looking into the great room.  There is some jockeying of furniture that goes on to fit the tree each year. 
An angel bought from Fortunoff tops our tree.  Handmade bows surround the top.  The bows were made using wired ribbon and floral wire. 
The tree skirt is from Pottery Barn from several years ago.  It is quilted and matches our stockings hanging by the fireplace.
After the lights and ornaments are added to the tree I use wired ribbon as garland and wrap it in and out around the tree.  Above it the tree lit up at night.  My favorite time to sit by the tree and enjoy it.
Above is the tree in during the day lit up.
A good view of the ribbon wrapped around the tree.  It is two different patterns of ribbon to match the bows on top of the tree.
This angel is of my favorite ornaments.  Also from Fortunoff.  The paper mache mouse is from when I was a child.
A close up of the angel and the bows at the top of the tree.
I think a tree should be filled with tradition.  Each year our family collects the Hallmark ornaments.  Each person gets at least one, sometimes more if Santa brings extra.  Each year as we unwrap each ornament to put it up we remember when we got it, who we got it from etc.  It's like seeing old friends each year.
But my all-time favorite ornaments are the ones my children make.  The blue yarn ornament above was made when my daughter was four.  It did start out round (I think they glued yarn around a balloon and then popped the balloon).  Over the years it has flattened.  I hung it front and center this year as it still makes me so happy to look at.
Some of my favorite ornaments

Of course, what tree is complete without a train. 

Let me know what you think.  I love and appreciate your comments.

Come check out The Nester and Kelly's Korner Christmas Tour of Homes


  1. Hello Judy,
    Your Christmas tree is warm and welcoming all in one. The lights are incredible. The copper ribbon is beautiful. While shopping yesterday I had my eye on copper. It's so pretty. Nice job!

    Thank you for your kind words and visit today. I do love my blog but I must say meeting new blog friends is the most rewarding aspect of it all. I consider it a wonderful blessing.

    I wish much joy to you and your family this holiday season.

    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  2. Very pretty! I love the size of the tree & how full it is. I also have an artificial tree for the same reasons.

  3. The only word to describe your tree is "grand." I love it!


  4. O, Judy how goooorrrrgeouss!!!!I wish I could see it in real life, it looks amazing.How cosy and glorious>You are right about fake trees, they last longer, can stand more and also- you don't kill a tree every year- right !Ah, I can imagin you on your family on Christmas eve, lovely and coy!!Thanks for showing!

  5. Sorry, I meant " lovely and cosy " :-(( hahah sorry what a fool!!

  6. It's beautiful! I totally agree with fake tree - our is necessity! I have a house full of allergies and they cannot handle having a real tree!

  7. Hey Judy!

    Thanks for visiting my blog...I would LOVE it if you do a tutorial on bow making. I bought one of those bow making things a few years ago but couldn't find it so I ended up just buying the ready made ones. If I could make my own, I would have more selection on bow colors.

    Your Christmas tree is beautiful. And I can relate about moving some furniture around to accomodate the tree, I had to do some shifting myself.


  8. Just gorgeous Judy! That tree is massive! The lights are amazing and that copper ribbon is beautiful. Great job!

  9. Hi!
    Thanks for your kind comment for my mantle from Layla's party! Your tree and great room is stunning. How awesome, and my kids would never leave that train alone!


  10. So I am dying to know - Are you from the NJ area? Treasure Island...Fortunoff! I live in MD now but those are all the old NJ stores!

  11. Blue yarn one is so cute... I love knowing that your little one made it.


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