Friday, January 14, 2011

Artwork Gift Wrap

Tuesday night into Wednesday we got ten inches of snow so everybody was home for a snow day on Wednesday.  Since my kids were home, I came up with a craft that not only entertained my daughter for a while, it got one of my "to do" items marked off my list.  This weekend is my niece's birthday.  I needed to wrap her gift.  Rather than wrap it using store bought gift wrap, I thought it would be fun for the gift wrap to be a little extra special.

We started by using the paper from the easel we already have (although you could use any type of could even tape individual pieces of paper together to form a large enough sheet).  With markers in hand I let my daughter go to work on her masterpiece.
I told her she could do whatever she wanted...I was going to leave the creativity completely up to her.  This is what she came up with.

I love the acrostic poem she wrote.
Such neat handwriting.
The best part of this project is that it comes from the heart.
What a fun way to wrap a child's gift and what a great way to spend some time with your child.  My daughter is so proud of her work and I'm sure my niece will love it.  This is an easy one to try next time you need a gift wrapped.  Let me know what you think.  I always love and appreciate hearing from you.



  1. That's a wonderful way to decorate a gift! Plus it gets the child involved in the gift giving as well!

    Love your kitchen header! Wow!

  2. What a cute gift wrap idea! I'd hate to throw it out after unwrapping my present!

    I'm stopping by to say CONGRATULATIONS! Your post has been nominated for a Best in Show award on my blog! Good luck :)

  3. Hi lovely lady I love your post for gift wrap Idea !! I also Congratulations You !! Im your newest follower on your blog. I hope you come over and see my new blog for the past six months~~~
    I hope you and your family have a great evening sweet lady ~~~~~Diane

  4. First let me say your blog is looking fantastic! I love the layout and the background...I may need to tone mine down soon...but for now I like the loudness LOL!
    What a cute idea on the gift wrap...very clever and fun! Have a great day.

  5. First let me say your blog is looking fantastic! I love the layout and the background...I may need to tone mine down soon...but for now I like the loudness LOL! What a cute idea on the gift wrap...very clever and fun! Have a great day.


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