Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winter Blues Wednesday - It's a Party

Welcome to the second Winter Blues Wednesday party.  I was so happy with the response to the first party that I have decided to make this a weekly thing for now.  It was a bit of a decision as now Linky Tools charges (isn't that always the way...I decide to try it and get only one free week).  In the end I decided it was worth the charge as it was so much fun.  So, this is a chance for everyone to show off what you have been working on.
Before we start the party, let me show you what I have been up to.  Do you ever ask your kids to do something, and ask them over and over again, and finally just do it yourself because you can't take waiting any longer?  Well that was the situation I found myself in.  Christmas brought my son many new Legos, books and toys.  He is lucky enough to have a walk-in closet in his room that is strictly devoted to his toys and books and is used to display his many Legos he has built.  Well the walk-in closet had gotten so over-run with stuff that it was no longer able to be walked into.
I have asked him on a weekly basis since then to please clean up the closet.  He always says sure mom, but it never actually happened.  It would be in a minute, or later.  Well, all I can say is that I couldn't take looking at this mess anymore.  I think the last straw was when I went into his closet to get something and stepped on one of his toys.

So although I probably should have made him help me with the clean-up, I did it myself while he was at school.  Here is what it looks like when I was done with it.
Now everything is back, neat and organized.  When my son saw it he said he really feared what I got rid of to make it look that good (there was two bags of garbage that got thrown out, and a box of baby books that will get passed down to my two year old niece and nephew).  Now let's see how long he can keep it this way.

Ok, onto the party.  I'm soooooo excited.  I can't wait to see what you have been up to.  Link up anything you have been working on...home decor, crafts, sewing, organizing etc.  I know you are all so talented out there and have been keeping very busy during these winter months.  I'll be keeping the link open through Friday.

 A few rules:
1.  Please become a follower.  

2.  Please grab my party button above and display it either on your sidebar or somewhere in your post.  This way word can spread about the party.  The more people at the party, the more fun we will have.

3.  Please enter the link to your actual post, not just a link to your main blog page.

4. Please visit others who have linked up.   Everyone works hard on their projects and blogs...let's show each other some love by visiting each other.  Let's have some fun and hopefully make a few new friends along the way.

Ok...let's PARTY!!



  1. Thanks for hosting the link party! The closet looks so much better!

  2. Wow, you really put the "mom" touch on that closet!


  3. Looks so much neater! Great job Judy!

  4. Hey there Judy~ Linked up the sideboard to share this week. I also posted about the award your gave me today. Thanks for hosting! :)

  5. What a great closet space! I'm trying to figure out a place for my son to be able to keep his Lego sets displayed too so this is some good inspiration for me! Legos, legos, everywhere! :-)
    So excited to be joining your fun party again this week Judy!

  6. Wow your son's closet looks great! I just became a follower of yours and linked up to your party. Now I'm off to visit some of your other posts. Martina

  7. I came over from Marty's. This is wonderful! I just signed up to follow you and posted your link on my page--I'll grab your button in just a bit when I can get my daughter to help me ;)

  8. Thanks for hosting, loving this party. I bet you feel so much better now that his closet is put back together. I have to say it looks VERY familiar.

  9. SO jealous of your toy closet! It looks so neat and organized :) We are quickly outgrowing our apartment and I swear there are toys everywhere. My bedroom looks like Chuck E Cheese at the moment :(

    Thanks for hosting!

  10. Wow, it looks fabulous. Now come and do my closets. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  11. I'm a new follower! Thanks for hosting!
    Scissors & Spatulas

  12. Thank you for hosting Judy. Wow! The closet looks incredible. Great job!

  13. Hello Judy thank you for hosting tonight, It's a lot of fun... the closet look great.


  14. Wow! It looks so clean! I can so relate to feeling overwhelmed by toys. Its a constant battle around here.
    I have the same shelves in my pantry and was wondering what you lined yours with (it looks like they're lined in the picture, anyway!). I hate how the gaps make some of my items tip over.

  15. Thanks for inviting me Judy! I'm a new follower! :)

  16. Hey, Judy! Congratulations on your party!
    There is nothing quite like the feeling of a well organized and clean closet! How long will it stay that way, I wonder?

  17. Judy, thanks for hosting.....so many great ideas I can't wait to visit them!

  18. Hi I just found you through All Things Heart and Home! I love the closet makeover. Job well done!

    New follower now!


  19. Your play closet looks fantastic! I love all the Lego Star Wars vehicles! My Snuggle Bunny would be in heaven(my hubs would be pretty excited, too.)

    Thanks so much for hosting this party! I love seeing what everyone else is up to.

  20. The closet looks wonderful! It inspires me so to become more organized! I am a new follower via Robin's page at All Things Heart and Home. Love your page! You are welcome to stop by my blog and say Hi sometime! Have a great week! :)http://www.homemakerinheels.com/

  21. I need to do this to one of our closets the grandson uses for his legos. Your's looks great. I'm your newest follower, thank you for becoming a follower of my blog.. hugs ~lynne~

  22. Thanks for hosting! Your post was just the inspiration I needed to start tackling my sons closet!

  23. Ahhh that looks so much better Judy. Thanks for hosting the partay!

  24. I always wonder about toy closets and office closets... where are the clothes kept?
    Thanks for hosting!!

  25. I can almost remember, back in the dark ages when my kiddoes were little, I would go into "attack-mode" & clean up their rooms. I think you did a great job, & I hope your son will keep it looking that way longer than mine did. LOL, now I get to watch my adult kiddoes struggle with those same things with their own kiddoes. I think it's called PAYBACK! This is such a great idea for a party, Judy. Thank you.

  26. Hi Judy, thank you for the follow! I've joined your link party today, thanks for hosting! I've been a follower of yours for awhile now, I always look forward to your weekly posts. The owl bookends are Adorable! You have a lovely home, I remember your pics from Rate My Space.


Please leave me a comment. I read each and every comment and I always love and appreciate your thoughts.