Thursday, May 5, 2011

Restoration Hardware Baby and Child Knockoff Pillow

I was flipping through one of my favorite catalogs, and saw this pillow.
Image from Restoration Hardware Baby and Child
My son's favorite number is 5, so I thought I would make him one of these pillows for his bedroom.  The originals are made from wool felt.  I don't know why, but for some reasons I found a yard of wool felt in my stash of fabric, in an ivory color.  I had to laugh...what are the chances of me having exactly what I needed in the house?
Whenever I make a pillow, I always like to start with my trusty square.
I traced a 13" x 13" square onto the felt and then cut out two from the material.

I then cut out a length of fabric long enough to go all the way around the square (13" x 4) plus an inch for seam allowance by 5" wide.  Using leftover fabric from my son's valance I made years ago, I made welting.  Welting is very easy to make...all I did was cut a strip of fabric and sewed it around cording using a zipper foot or a cording foot.  The trick is to sew as close to the cording as possible.

I then sewed the cording to the right side of the fabric all the way around, clipping the corners of the welting to make it fit easier.
I printed out the #5 on my computer  (using a light ink setting so as not to use up all my toner).  I then pinned it onto a grey piece of felt and cut it out.
I then pinned and sewed the number onto the right side of one of the pieces of fabric.
I then pinned and sewed the edges to the front side of the pillow...right sides together.
This is what it should look like before the back gets sewn on.  Then pin the back onto the sides...right sides together.

Be careful when you sew the side piece onto the back not to sew something you don't mean to.  Sew slowly.  I start at the bottom about an inch in, sew the other three sides and end about an inch in on the bottom again.  This way I can turn it easily.
 Once I turned it right side out, I stuffed it full.
Using my favorite fabric glue, I glued the open edges together.
Voila!  This pillow was very easy to make.  It was a bit more time consuming because it is a square pillow with sides, but still easy.  Felt it great to work with.
The best part is that my son loves it.  The second best part is that it cost nothing since I already had everything I needed in the house.   What do you think?

Don't forget that my Swing into Spring party is still going on.  The link will stay open through Friday.


  1. Judy, the pillow looks fantastic! I wish I could sew. Being that you had the exact fabric on hand, I'd say this pillow was meant to be.

  2. This is an extremely cute pillow! I am keeping this in my inspiration file!

  3. It looks fantastic! It's incredible that you were able to complete it with materials you had on hand. Just meant to be. Terrific knockoff! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Very, Very Cool! Your little man has an amazing room! I love sewing welt also it is very easy and it just really adds to the look of the pillow. I love it!

  5. Your pillow turned out great Judy! Fantastic knockoff!!!! I like your version much more!

  6. LOVE it! Isn't it funny how kids have favorite numbers? My son's is 10. :-)

  7. Wow,Judy this looks great! I love the contrast of the wool against the cotton welting and it goes so perfectly in your son's room. I love it! I like your version better than the magazine.Thanks for sharing how to square off the ends and making the welting. I always have tough time squaring off the ends of pillows.. and making my own welting saves so much on expensive trims. Great post! Happy mother's Day to you!~Poppy

  8. I love it Judy! I actually like it better than the inspiration pic and I'm not just saying that! :-)

  9. I love that #5 cushion! I was looking for some inspiration for my son's room and you have set me on new train of thought! What a great tutorial! X

  10. ***Envy*** But in a good way! :) I know plenty of people who would pay for this, including myself.

  11. ahhh this is such a great knock-off!! You did a beautiful job!

    Thanks so much for linking to "20 Below Thursday"! :)

  12. I'd say that the pillow looks great and your son is lucky having stuff handmade just for him!

  13. Stopping by from Christina's party!! This is so cute! My son also has a sports themed bedroom!! This pillow would look A-DOR-ABLE in it!! Thanks for a great tutorial!

  14. In case you haven't seen it already...I featured this project on my blog yesterday :)

  15. This is just wonderful Judy as are all of your fabulously creative projects!


  16. You are ridiculously cool. What fabulous projects you create and share!

    I'm especially impressed with the welting. I am going to have to give that a try! It looks perfect and tailored with your project.

    Thanks for linking up to Alphabe-Thursday this week.

    It's always fun to see what you're up to!


  17. I love this! I am redoing my son's room now and this project would be perfect. I will be adding this to my link laundry list this week. It should be posted by tomorrow morning.

    Literally Inspired


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