Friday, September 2, 2011

Chalk Paint Jewelry Box

Yesterday I told you how it took me several attempts to have my vinyl monogram finally work.
That left me with a few extra "S's".
I started with an old jewelry box circa 1985 from Express, that hasn't been used in years.
Using two parts of AS Duck Egg Blue chalk paint and one part Old White, I painted the jewelry box.
After painting one side of the jewelry box I felt that combo of paint was a little too green.  That's the best part about chalk paint.  All I did was take a wet paper towel and wiped off the paint and started again painting straight Duck Egg Blue.
Then using one of the extra "S's", I simply added the vinyl to the center of the painted jewelry box.
So cute!  But I still had an extra "S", so...
Why not monogram my daughter's eye glass case as well.  I think I've become vinyl happy!

Hope you have a great weekend.



  1. I love the final color you ended up choosing. I've yet to monogram anything... it's on my 2011 to do list. lol.

  2. Love it and love the color, Judy! I would have been looking for things to put them on too if I had those extra monograms. Can't let a good monogram go to waste!

  3. How cool is that?

    Your blog almost makes me want to give being crafty another try.


  4. You are so funny Judy! That jewelry box looks absolutely darling and the sunglass case is perfectly chic now! :-)

  5. Gotta love that chalk paint, I can't wait to get some of my own.

  6. Cute! vinyl IS addicting. I was on the phone tonight with my friend Rose, and when I heard her silhouette cutting, I was dying! I wanted to cut something too!


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