Friday, October 14, 2011

Affair of the Heart

Affair of the heart, Kristina, Don't Talk to Strangers...any of these songs ringing a bell?  How about Jesse's Girl? do you know who I am talking about?
That's right...tonight I am going to a Rick Springfield concert!  
I know what you're read someone's blog day in and day out and you think you really know a person, right?  I bet very few of you know what a HUGE fan I am of Rick Springfield.  It's sort of my dirty little secret.  I have been to many of this concerts over the years 
(the above and below photos are from a concert I went to a few years ago).   
I usually make sure that I get seats as close as possible.
There I am in the second row (in the white sweater).  
Here I am with Rick a few years ago when he visited our local mall.
I have met him several times over the years.  I think I was 13 when I went to my first Rick Springfield concert.  It was at Madison Square Garden and our seats were pretty far back.  As the years have gone on it's gotten easier and easier to get closer seats (lol).  That works just fine for me.  Tonight he is playing at a small theater in New Jersey, a short distance from my house.
Our tickets are tenth row...but knowing this theater and knowing how his concerts work...I should be standing in the front row in no time.  Lol
I am such a huge fan that for my 39th's birthday my husband threw me a surprise party (knowing he could never surprise me at 40).  The theme - Rick Springfield.
Here is a photo of the wine he had made up for the event.

So now you know!
I know what you're're thinking "who knew"?
 Either that or, for my younger followers, you're thinking "who the heck is Rick Springfield'?

Hope you have a great weekend!



  1. The minute I saw that title, I knew exactly who you were talking about. I love him!

  2. OMG. Every time I hear something about him, I chuckle. There were a few singers who you could get ridiculed for liking back in the day and he was one of them! I also liked Barry Manilow. Oh the ridicule!! Remember the beating that Billy Rae Cyris took too!? Boy are him and his daughter laughing all the way to the bank! Thanks for the trip back!! Enjoy the concert.

  3. Can you say JEALOUS!!! : )
    Have fun!! ( I know you will )

  4. I knew who you were talking about right away. I can't say I'm a huge fan, but I do like him. I was a bigger fan when I was younger.
    Have a great time! (Not that you need me to tell you that!!! LOL!)

  5. Have a wonderful time. How can you miss?


  6. hee! hee! When I was in high school, the first concert I went to was Rick Springfield! It's been many,many years ago, but I remember it was great! Have a fun time!

  7. I knew exactly who you were talking about when I saw the title of your post. I had the biggest crush on him back in my teen years! Have fun!

  8. Have fun at the concert! Sounds like it'll be a lot of fun! Love the custom wine labels your hubby made - very creative. Thanks for sharing.

  9. you lucky lucky girl

    i was in the Rick Springfield Fan Club
    in 1983

    good times

    have a great time and
    guess what i'll be singing
    for the rest of the day?


  10. How COOL! I loved him too Judy, he is so cute, and I loved all his songs. I remember when he was on General hospital and that is where my love affair began. I honestly have not thought about him for sometime. Thanks for the sweet reminder.

  11. I love it Judy!! I have Jesse's Girl running through my head now. So excited for you and only wish I could come and "swoon" with you. LOL! My first real concert was Chicago and I still remember seeing the stage spin around and thinking that was the coolest thing ever! :-)
    Have a fabulous time friend,

  12. Lucky you!!! My husband & I went to see him last summer and he's still got it even @ 60+!! Have a great time...

  13. Remember when he was Dr. Noah Drake on General Hospital?!! I love him and his music AND I don't recall knowing that you live in NJ like me !! We are practically neighbors! Hope the concert is lots of fun!!!

  14. Not making fun at all! LOVE Rick Springfield, I remember when I heard his first album...or record it would have been. lol Always have thought it was so cute! Jesse's Girl is one of my favorite songs ever! I hope you had a lovely time at the concert and got up real close to the stage...;)


  15. Oh how fun. I so hope you had a great time. Love him too. We just got home last night and I wanted to thank you for being such a fabulous guest host while we were gone. Thanks tons, you are the best. Hugs, Marty

  16. I loved this post!!! And what a sweet husband you have.

  17. I love Rick Springfield!!!! Hope it was a great time.

  18. LOL - when I first saw the title of your blog post I got super excited because I thought you were coming to the biggest craft sale in our area - affair of the heart! Blahahaha. But I bet you had much more fun seeing Rick Springfield - my friends and I loved him back in the day!!

  19. awesome post!! Rick Springfield ~sigh!!! lol!!

    new follower.


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