Thursday, May 16, 2013

DIY Kitchen Makeover for Spring/Summer

I'd like to welcome Anna Hicks who has written a post especially for DIYbyDesign.  Enjoy!

When spring and summer comes blooming in, there’s a need to not only clean things up, but also to redesign the house or specific parts of the house. This may include the lounge, kitchen and perhaps your bedroom.
Rooms do require a little bit of spicing up from time to time. What better time is there to give a makeover to your kitchen?
It doesn't have to be a major stripping down and doing over all the floors. You can even do something like a simple picture frame turned into a serving tray kind of project.

1.  Simplify Your Kitchen
There may be a lot of clutter about. For an ideal kitchen makeover, start with cleaning it out rather than redesigning it immediately. Give the kitchen a thorough cleaning out and minimize your storage items by considering what you really need and what isn’t a necessity to be kept around.
If you have too much of certain items that you don’t require, give them away. Re-organize your cabinets and drawers and do not overwhelm your storage so that there is space left for you to actually see the things in there.

2.  Switch Up the Lighting
An easy way to alter up the entire look and mood of the kitchen room is to switch up the lighting. As kitchens are increasingly becoming a place for people to entertain their guests as well, it might be a good idea to add accent lights.
Add a picture of a wall and light it up from behind, or you can go a step ahead and add lights that are purely decorative. If you are unsure on how to handle the lighting and interior, you can always learn through art courses at interior design schools and other similar resources.

3.  Make Your Kitchen Eco-Friendly
Rather than focusing on the aesthetics, you can now also focus on making your kitchen eco-friendly. You don't necessarily have to strip off all that is beautiful, but to just make it a loving place for earth. This change is taken as being expensive, but you don't have to jump into appliances that consume less energy all at once.
When adding more lights to make your kitchen more at home and welcoming, try to use lights that save energy rather than use excessive energy. With the going green so much in vogue, many companies have made a variety of eco-friendly appliances, which means that these products are no longer outrageously expensive.

4.  Add a Little Color
If everything else fails, you can always paint the kitchen with a new color. Pale yellow and bright orange are in for the spring. If, however, even painting the entire room seems like too much of an ordeal, you can always think of other ways to make the room more colorful.

Take the items you’ve set aside to give away in your cleanup of the kitchen. Paint them a bright color and add a little shelf to your kitchen; set them up for a purely decorative purpose. You will not only save yourself from the pain of parting from those items, but also add to your kitchen a little more ambience.
DIY projects for any room don’t necessarily have to involve major design changes to the room, but little crafts and similar additions to increase the aesthetics of the room and to give it a fresh outfit.

Thanks Anna!


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