Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Make Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate

My all-time favorite candy is peanut butter cups.  Actually any chocolate mixed with any peanut butter I love.  I don't really love chocolate unless it has peanut butter on it.  In fact, anytime there is chocolate in the house, beware, because I will be dipping it into the peanut butter.  With all that said, it's amazing that it took me this long to try my hand at making my own peanut butter filled chocolate.  I always assumed it must be somewhat difficult.  I was so wrong.  It's incredibly easy and even more incredibly delicious.

Here's what you will need:

-Bag(s) of chocolate wafers (you can buy these in any craft store)
- candy mold
-peanut butter

First melt the chocolate in a microwave safe container according to the package direction.  To create these peanut butter filled treats, start by spooning a small amount of chocolate into your mold.  You could use a squeeze bottle to reduce any drips.  Then using a clean paint brush or a tiny spoon (I used an espresso spoon), "paint" the chocolate onto the sides of the mold.  You only want enough chocolate to form a coating around the entire outside of the mold.  Then place in the refrigerator for three minutes.
After the three minutes, take the mold out of the refrigerator and add your peanut butter (or any other filling you can come up with).  Then pour additional melted chocolate into the mold until it is full.  Shake the mold gently to get rid of any air bubbles and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.  

That's it!  So simple, yet so delicious.  

Be sure to stop back tomorrow to see what my plans are for the chocolate owls.  


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  1. Yummy yummy for my tummy !
    Beautiful and delicious!
    Have a good day :)

  2. Oh- Yum and Yum. They not only LOOK good I bet they are better than any chocolate covered peanut butter you can buy- xo Diana


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