Thursday, April 7, 2011

Personalized Bolster Pillow

I have been wanting to make my daughter new covers for her bolster pillows on her daybed.
I have been wanting to make her a personalized bolster, but hadn't really come up with any inspiration as to what exactly I wanted to do.
It's funny how inspiration can really come from anywhere.  Yesterday I went shopping at my favorite clothing store (and BTW did extremely well - they were having a 30% Friends and Family sale).  As soon as the sales girl handed me the bag I found my inspiration.
I started by taking a white sheet and cutting it to the right size.  For a full tutorial on how to make a bolster pillow click here.  I then went onto my computer and on Word printed out my daughter's name in a nice font in the largest size that would still fit on a piece of legal size paper.  I then laid the sheet over the paper.  You can see that the sheet was see-through enough to copy the letters.
Using a metallic paint pen, I simply copied the letters.
So if you were wondering what the Loft bag had to do with any of this...the grey grosgrain ribbon was my jumping off point.  I loved it and thought is would be the perfect trim for the bolster.
It was easy to take off the bag...only had to remove one knot.  It was a little wrinkled, though.  I didn't feel like taking out the iron, so instead I used my flat iron.   It heats up almost immediately and in less than 30 seconds it was all ironed out.
I love how this came out.  I am very into grey right now, and to me grey is a neutral.
As another alternative to closing the end of the bolster, I used a set of my daughter's pony tail holders.

I also made her another bolster cover for the other side with her middle name.  Seriously, this was so easy and I had everything in the house already.  This was another "free" project (if you don't count the cost of the clothes - LOL).

Don't forget there's still time to join my Swing into Spring party.  Just click here to join in the fun.

Let me know what you think.  I always love hearing from you.



  1. I love it!!! I have a bolster pillow that I have been trying to imagine what I wanted it to look like...thanks for the inspiration

  2. Judy I LOVE IT!! that turned out fabulous, I bet your daughter loved it!! Martina

  3. I love it! Surprising where inspiration can be found sometimes, right?

  4. Your daughter's pillow looks fantastic, love the flat iron trick!


  5. You are so creative! That pillow is just great! :)

  6. So cute and this is what happens when you have a creative mind...


  7. Oh, that pillow is so beautiful! I love it!

  8. Love the new bolsters! I love that you repurposed shopping bag handles, and the ponytail holders are the perfect finishing touch. Thanks for sharing.

  9. How beautiful! I wish I could get into crafting projects like this, but I don't seem to have the drive. Thanks for sharing!

    From you newest follower,
    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

    Check out…
    Z is for ...{Alphabe-Thursday Meme} post.
    Don't Get Left Behind {More Thursday Memes} post.

  10. WOW....simply STUNNING!

  11. This is so awesome!!!! Can't wait to go buy myself a paint pen!!!!

  12. I love that! That ribbon is beautiful. I think grey is a great neutral, too.

  13. Hee! Hee! I just love your inspiration! I happen to absolutely love grey too. I haven't used it much in my house, but I do love to wear it.

    Your bolster pillow is fantastic! I bet your daughter adores it. What a lucky girl!

  14. That is so pretty! I love gray also.

  15. That is just perfect...feminine and personal...

    great idea..

  16. That looks great, Judy! Thanks for sharing how you did the name because I would never be able to do anything like that freehand. After your "how to" post, I have put my large bolsters on the list of things to do, although it might not be for awhile yet. I've been liking gray recently, myself! Your daughter has a beautiful room and the bolsters are definitely a wonderful touch.

  17. So lovely...simple and striking. I love reusing things, including ribbon!

  18. Easy for YOU to make. And really cute, too!


  19. I love it. I really enjoy how you re-purpose things to make such beautiful decor.

  20. You are very talented. I love it!

  21. So adorable Judy! It has just the right amount of "grown-up" chic to it and yet still perfect for a pre-teen room. :-)

  22. So creative and so clever! The new bolster pillows look wonderful in your daughter's space - and to think they were inspired by a bag!

  23. I love it! Great incorporation of the ribbon! Thanks for the comment and follow on my blog - I'm here to return the favor :)

    Turning a House into a Home

  24. What a wonderful idea! I may just have to do this for myself!

  25. Absolutely beautiful. I love monograms.

  26. I love great ideas! Your monogram tip on using the paint pen is fantastic. The grey grosgrain ribbon is very clever. The flat iron trick ........I love it.
    The bolster pillow is stunning.


  27. AHH so creative!!! That ribbon is beautiful...recycling at it's best! Beautiful :)

    Thanks so much for linking to "20 Below Thursday"! :)

  28. Love the pillow! You are just too clever! I am also loving your new page tabs...;) Looks great, you did a good job. Have a great weekend beautiful Judy!!


  29. Oooh how cute, I've been wanting to do a bolster pillow for a while now and yours is amazing! I'm your newest follower!

  30. oh my gosh!! I love love this.. so super cute... :-)

  31. Your pillow turned out beautifully. I think we all have a creative gene in us, it just needs to be brought out. You have definately found yours. Have a wonderful weekend.

  32. I love this pillow...and how you used the ribbon from the I featured it on my blog today! Come grab a "featured" button! :)

  33. Wow impressive, I'd love to hang out on that fabulous bed. Thanks for sharing at Beyond The Picket Fence.

  34. This is really cute. My daughter would love this. This is a definate to make

  35. Of course we are not going to count the cost of the clothes!! Love this free bolster. I will be constructing a bolster for my bed soon so I am bookmarking your tutorial. Please visit me and hopefully follow. I am your newest follower over from the blog party. Ginger

  36. This is so cute! I love that you were inspired by shopping :) Following you back, love your blog!

  37. absolutely beautiful! thanks for the tutorial on how to do it!

    I'm your newest follower from Creative Bloggers' and Hop :)

    Susan at

  38. Great idea! Love the girly feel to it. Well done repurposing the ribbons!

  39. This is a brilliant tutorial. I love the way your mind takes something and creates something totally different!

    That gray ribbon is definitely inspired...and the way you did the letters is great!

    I might actually attempt something like this!

    Thanks for sharing your talents and creativity with us for this round of Alphabe-Thursday!

    And a flattening iron? You are totally brilliant.


  40. Hi, Judy! Your pillows are adorable. Great job! Thanks for sharing this at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)

  41. That's so clever and sweet :)

  42. Great post you have shared with us. I'm your newest follower from Creative Bloggers
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