Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Do You Run a Diner Too?

I have two kids and they don't always love the same foods.  It makes dinner time a little more challenging.  Don't get me wrong, there are nights that I make one dinner and they either eat it or they don't.  However, my kids have super fast metabolisms and don't gain weight that easily, so I'd rather make a few variations to a meal and have everyone eat everything rather than one meal and have it picked at.  Here's my solution for three variations on one pasta meal...

I start out with a pasta shape everyone likes.
My son likes garlic and oil...so all I do is take a little extra virgin olive oil and add crushed garlic.  One precaution...don't burn the garlic or else you really need to just throw it out and start all over.  Burnt garlic is not a good taste.  I make enough of the garlic and oil to use some of it to start my red sauce.
For the rest of the family I make a red sauce using crushed tomatoes.  I start with the reserved garlic and oil and add the crushed tomatoes and italian spices.  It's that easy and much better tasting than a store bought jar of sauce.
My husband and I like fresh mozzarella with fresh basil and my daughter likes shaved asiago.
Now everyone was happy and it really didn't take me any extra time (or extra pans) at all.

Don't forget to stop back tonight at 8pm EST when my weekly Swing into Spring party kicks off.  Hope to see you then.



  1. All three choices look yummy! Looking forward to hearing more about your Spring party. Will head back later tonight.

  2. My youngest would be happy with just a little butter on his pasta. It's hard not to feel like a short order cook when everyone has differing tastes. Love your solution to that. Thanks for sharing.

  3. That's great Judy! All 3 look delicious. I do something very similar when I make quesadillas since the kiddos don't like all of the onions and peppers that my hubby and I like. I'm learning to find that balance between being a short order cook and tailoring to everyone's preferences. It is a challenge for sure! :-)

  4. I have the same issues, and it makes it so much easier when you can variate something. All three pastas look delicious to me!

  5. Great post. I have similar issues (doesn't everyone?) with a vegetarian, a meat-eater, and a garlic-and-oil type. Your solution is terrific. Thank you!


  6. I thought the title said "Do you RUIN dinner too?" HAHAHA!! I do that all the time!!! Anyway, the pasta looks delish!

  7. I'll have to try making my red sauce like that. Sounds easy and far less caloric, too.


  8. i often call my self a short order cook. one kid wants one thing and the other another. most of the time i cook a totally separate meal for me and my husband because the kids eat so much earlier.

  9. I have SOOOOOOOOOOOO done this!!! Boy, am I channeling you!!! lol I use to have to throw together an alfredo for one, but she grew out of that. Thank goodness.... lol I also include stuff, like red pepper flakes because two like the spicy thing. lol Oh, the accomodations we make!

  10. Yummy!! These look delicious! We usually fix one thing and don't adapt it and my little one stays hungry. She then gets a peanut butter sandwich. We need to work on this. :)

  11. That is a great solution and all three look yummy.

  12. I will often cook 3 different dinners (for example my son likes steamed fish and my daughter likes pan fried) but i'm just happy that they are eating healthy fresh food so it doesnt worry me much. also my husband gets home around 7pm and i feed my kids dinner at 530 so i'm always cooking 2 different meals anyway so a third different dinner isnt that much of a problem. although saying that most nights the kids eat the same as each other.
    your pastas all look good!
    cheers Fiona


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