I am happy to report that the remediation of the mold issue in the basement is complete!
The pretty part has begun.
The walls and ceiling are painted a different color than before, giving the room a lighter and brighter feeling. We also replaced all of the overhead lighting with brighter LED lights.
I will do a post about that soon. It makes a HUGE difference.
I will do a post about that soon. It makes a HUGE difference.
Here is a different view of the room.
We changed up a few things.
For starters we moved the Ikea Expedit from behind the couch. There was just way too much going on visually before. This gives the room a much lighter look. We also spread out the trophies. Before the media unit was filled with all of my kids trophies.
I scaled down the trophies for the wall unit...
and added some books for a little interest.
The rest of the trophies got moved to the Expedit unit.
Notice anything missing from the window?
Remember the drapes that I had to have dry cleaned because of the remediation?
Remember how they shrunk 7" at the dry cleaner and the dry cleaner said that he has been in business for 25 years and nothing like this has ever happened before? Remember how the dry cleaner kept swearing that he dry cleaned the drapes even though I continually asked if he had washed them? You can click here for that full story. By day three the dry cleaner's wife said she would iron the drapes to try and stretch them. When I got them home after the dry cleaner stretched them, they looked like an old worn out t-shirt...really like a rag. It was at that point that the dry cleaner finally admitted that they had washed the drapes. 100% linen...and they washed them. Seriously??? They reimbursed me for the cost of the fabric and the cost of the dry cleaning.
However, before I go and order the same fabric, I figure I should use this as an opportunity to see if I can do something a bit better. I always loved those drapes, but maybe they were a bit too bold and competed with the focal wall. So, thanks to PicMonkey, I am trying out some other options. The first option is a ready made drape. They actually cost less that the cost of new fabric and will save me plenty of time. They are also made of linen so they have that great texture. They are are much more subtle than the previous drapes.
If I decide to make drapes, my fabric options are endless. I love the idea of an Ikat pattern. This one seems to have all of the colors I have in the room, but hard to tell. I also found some other Ikat options that may work as well. I'm probably going to stop by Calico Corners today and order some swatches before making any final decisions.
So what do you think of the newly renovated basement so far?
Know of any great Ikat patterns I should be considering?
Make sure you stop back tomorrow when I will revealing my craft/sewing closet. It's pretty awesome!