How awesome do those stairs look? (the box by the door is speaker wire which will be run)
This is the kitchen area. To the far left is the pizza oven. To the right of that is the spot for the warming drawer and storage drawers below that, then the grill, then a refrigerator. The seating area will be to the far right.
Took this photo while standing on the pool deck.
This will be the area where we will have our seating i.e. outdoor sofa, coffee table etc.
Close up of the pavers. There are four different sizes. 15% are the largest size. I love how it ties in with the stone veneer.
That's the update for now. The main part of the patio was all laid one day. Huge transformation. Let me know what you think. I really LOVE comments.
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WOW! Judy that is looking so incredible! One of my biggest dreams for our house is to rip off the deck and put in a patio and this is just such great inspiration. I cannot wait to see the finished project and I'm so glad you showed us the lighting.
That is coming along nicely!! Love what you've got so far, can't wait tot see the rest!
This is going to be a fantatsic place to hang out and have lovely family meals together.It looks brilliant!!
That's beautiful and so fast! I know ours gets a LOT of use! My hubby built ours and took nearly three years to finish. Check it out sometime:
Becky B.
Oh, nice...the lighting is wonderful! I think outdoor lighting is often a forgotten element of these spaces, but it makes all the difference!
Looks beautiful!!
Your patio is well-lighted. The lights in the stone slab of the stairs are so beautiful. They create a cozy atmosphere in the whole patio area. It’s a great place to have a romantic dinner with your husband. ->Allison Shallenberger
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