
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Winter Blues Wednesday - It's a Party #149

Merry Christmas!  
Welcome to this week's Winter Blues Wednesday party.  
I decided to host tonight's party and will keep it up until Friday for anyone who is around.  I will be scarce for the next week or so spending time with my family for the holidays.  I wish you all a very happy holiday season.

Last week's party was filled with so many awesome ideas and inspiration. 
 Here are this week's features:

The Dedicated House showed off her beautifully glittered garland she created.  So festive!
Tablescapes by Diane shared a beautiful tablescape featuring poinsettias.  Beautiful.

Kathy from Creative Home Expressions transformed a lamp shade and reinvented it with this gorgeous toile fabric and trim.  She gives a great tutorial as well.  Beautiful job Kathy!

Leopard and Plaid  created these Anthropologie inspired snow globes.  Love them!

Heaven's Garden shares a recipe for gingerbread cookies.  I love the idea of using them for ornaments.

If you were featured, please grab an "I've Been Featured" button (you can now find my buttons by clicking on the buttons tab right under my header).  Now let's get started with this week's party.  I can't wait to see what you have been up to.  Link up anything you have been working on...home decor, sewing, crafts, organizing, baking, recipes etc.   I will keep this link open through Friday.

A few rules:
1.  Please become a follower (if you already follow me on Google, I would love for you to follow me on Linky Followers as well).  

2.  Please grab my party button above and display it either on your sidebar or somewhere in your post.  This way word can spread about the party.  The more people at the party, the more fun we will have.

3.  Please enter the link to your actual post, not just a link to your main blog page.

4. Please visit others who have linked up.   Everyone works hard on their projects and blogs...let's show each other some love by visiting each other.  Let's have some fun and hopefully make a few new friends along the way.

Ok...Let's Party


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The Kids Table - Christmas Treat Boxes

We host Christmas Eve, so I have been putting the finishing touches on everything getting ready for the big night.  To save time tomorrow, I set the kids table tonight.  The chocolate owl placecards from Thanksgiving were a big hit, so I wanted to do something with chocolate for Christmas as well.

I used my Silhouette machine and found this in their online shop.  I had double sided Christmas scrapbook paper I bought last year which worked perfectly.
After everything was cut out, I started assembling.
I made little chocolates and put them in little snack bags.  I was able to fit three in each box.
I then created this little tree for the centerpiece...
and put it under a cloche.  Everything looks a little more special under a cloche.
I used trays I bought at Pottery Barn Kids years ago since we only have five kids at the kids table this year.  We are having my son sit at the adult table this Christmas Eve.  He was wondering if there was any type of initiation ceremony we planned for him since it was his first year sitting there.  Maybe I should come up with one.  Lol

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season.


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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fall into Fall - It's a Party # 148

Welcome to this week's Fall into Fall party.  
Last week's party was filled with so many great ideas and inspiration.  
Here are this week's features:

The Happy Housie shared a Christmas tour of her living room and dining room.  Just beautiful.

Corner of Plaid and Paisley shared her beautiful mantel.  She went with a nutcracker theme this year.  Love the color scheme.  

An Extraordinary Day shares a tutorial on how to create these super cute paperback book Christmas trees.  
The Two Seasons shared a tutorial for this Anthropologie knock-off.  Love it!


I just love these NOEL yarn letters that Grace Lee Cottage created.  I definitely want to make these.
Follow Me Fiona shared a tutorial on how to create this beautiful wreath.

If you were featured, please grab an "I've Been Featured" button (you can now find my buttons by clicking on the buttons tab right under my header).  Now let's get started with this week's party.  I can't wait to see what you have been up to.  Link up anything you have been working on...home decor, sewing, crafts, organizing, baking, recipes etc.   I will keep this link open through Friday.

A few rules:
1.  Please become a follower (if you already follow me on Google, I would love for you to follow me on Linky Followers as well).  

2.  Please grab my party button above and display it either on your sidebar or somewhere in your post.  This way word can spread about the party.  The more people at the party, the more fun we will have.

3.  Please enter the link to your actual post, not just a link to your main blog page.

4. Please visit others who have linked up.   Everyone works hard on their projects and blogs...let's show each other some love by visiting each other.  Let's have some fun and hopefully make a few new friends along the way.

Ok...Let's Party


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