I had several names swirling in my head to name this post. Another fine mess I've gotten myself into, or Why don't I listen to people, or Seriously what was I thinking. It all started last week when I was scanning Craigslist. I was searching for chairs I could recreate for a game table I want to have in our basement family room. I came across four Pottery Barn Teen Oh La La armchairs. They were listed for $200 and I offered $100 for the four. We ultimately agreed on $160. They were admittedly badly stained and on one of the chairs the seat was sunken. They would definitely need reupholstering. I asked friends and family and pretty much everyone advised me not to buy the chairs. Did I really need to take on such a large project? For one week I kept thinking about the chairs. I could picture how beautiful I could make these chairs. So on Saturday I went into the city to pick up the chairs.
I did ask the seller how these chairs could possibly have gotten so abused in such a short amount of time. She was young and living in the city and she said that her sister liked to have parties. Ya think??? The whole car ride home I had buyer's remorse. This was going to be a big job.
I decided to start with the worst of the chairs.
I took it apart and saw that the webbing had totally sunk.
I re-stretched it and stapled it back into place.
I then flipped the cushion and started to pull off the rest of the upholstery. Several hours later all I had was blisters all over my hands and was struggling to get off the rest of the upholstery. Now I seriously wanted to cry. I was so annoyed with myself for not listening. Why do I ask for advice when I don't listen? Ugh! I walked away from the project and started to think....and think.
I decided to try to clean the upholstery. After an hour of scrubbing, it didn't look any better, and now was wet. So I walked away from the project again, and started to think again.
Then it hit me. I searched on the internet for painting upholstery. I remembered seeing this somewhere. I read every tutorial I could and they all said basically the same thing. I just needed latex paint, fabric medium and water. I had everything I needed in the house. I decided to test it out on the fabric I had removed from the first chair. To speed up the drying process I used a hairdryer. It felt soft and the coverage was great. So I went to the other three chairs.
Here's what they look like after just one coat of paint.
Wow, right? I kept saying to myself that I was so clever. The truth is if I was so clever I should have figured this out before I completely stripped the first one. I still will have to do something with that chair.
I am definitely hopeful. I am letting it dry overnight and then will paint it with a second coat. If this is successful I will definitely post a full tutorial. If it's a bust, I'll let you know that as well. Stop back tomorrow to see how my Craigslist chairs turn out.

Love the style of chair and the paint looks amazing so far. Can't wait to find out how you think it went. Hugs, Marty
I think we've all been there at one time or another, Judy. The painting looks like it was a great solution for you. Such a great style of chair. I'd love to find a chair or two like this.
Wow, what a difference paint can make. Such a great style of chairs, and I hope it all has a wonderful ending for you, so far - so good.
Look forward to seeing the end result.
Wow Judy!! I'm seriously impressed that you tackled this and they look beautiful. Well done friend!
The chairs look amazing! I never painted fabric before. I would love to hear how they hold up.
Your chair is super looking, Judy. I am amazed that what looks like a wine stain is covered. Just love the paint color you used. Could you share the brand and color you used? It is just what I am looking for.
Can't wait to see your finished chairs. Pat.
Well you've just given me the motivation to try this. It's been on my mind for a while but was just too scared to give it a try.
Mary @ Orphans With Makeup
What a project. I applaud you for sticking with it. I can't wait to see them finished.
Sometimes we can't listen to the admonitions of others (the sane and safe folks) because we CREATE. We also cannot blame them for failing to see the fabulous inspiration in our heads Jo @ Let's Face the Music
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