Both of my kids have May birthdays, so May is a crazy but wonderful month for us. Today is my son's birthday. Alex turns 14 today...okay...I actually choke over those words.
6 months old |
Wasn't it just yesterday that he fit into that bucket? Doesn't everyone have a photo like this?
9 months old |
I tried to enjoy every second when he was a baby...but it still flew by. There are moments in time that are so clear in my mind. I actually remember the day I took this picture...I remember everything about it.
1 year old |
We used to call Alex "the little man" because that's what he was...a little man. He is the best person I know and having him as my son has made me want to be a better person on a daily basis. He is kind and caring, incredibly smart, and he makes everyone he encounters smile. You know how there are people like that? People that when you are around them just make you happy. Well, that's him.
8 years old |
Happy 14th Birthday Alex. We love you!
What a cutie pie! I don't know why time goes by so quickly when it comes to our children, but it does. Happy Birthday Alex!
Such a handsome lad. My boy will be 14 in August, I choke too! Happy birthday Alex, oh and that is my 14 year olds name too.
Oh what a sweet boy. Mine are 6 and 4 and I'm already freaking out by how fast it's gone! Happy Birthday to your handsome Alex!
Happy Birthday Alex! It's insane how quickly they grow, isn't it? I remember when my 14yo was still toddling around, now he's as tall as I am. Great looking kid! Thanks for sharing.
He is such a sweetheart! Cutest pictures! Yeah, I agree with you Judy, time passes by us so fast and then we wonder how it went by so quickly!I have two girls 16 and 11 and even to think that in couple years my older one will be off to college... even the thought of it makes me emotional. If I could hold back the sands of time, I would but I can't. Your Alex is such a darling! Happy Birthday Alex!~Poppy
Okay, you made me tear up! Happy Birthday Alex! You sound like a wonderful young man to know! :)
I totally understand Judy, my "little guy" just turned 17. sob. Sending you a hug!
Happy Birthday Alex! Love the first picture! I had one of each of my boys in a bucket tub too. Mine are with a darker background and the photographers blew bubbles so they were floating around my sons. I certainly know what you mean about the time... My sons both have birthdays in June - one is going to be 20 and the other one 24. Amazing!
~ Tracy
Cute, cute, cute!
Happy b-day to Alex.
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