Today I'm over at Debbiedoo's giving a full tour of my home.
I hope you will stop by Debbie's and check it out.
If you get a chance come back and let me know what you think.
On another note, remember the Ethan Allen mirror I have been lusting over?
It costs $669 plus tax, plus delivery. I just can't justify that.
However, I was searching for information on the mirror on the internet
and found it being sold on Craigslist for $200!
Only problem is that the listing is across the country. The woman who is selling it has been wonderful, even bringing the mirror to Fed Ex to get a quote to ship. It will cost $143 to ship. That would bring the total cost of the mirror to $343, still less than half of what it would cost new (UPS was even more and the post office won't ship it because the box is too big). The woman told me she owns it two years and it's in perfect condition. I didn't ask why she was selling it...maybe I should.
Friends...I need your advice!!
Am I crazy? Do I even consider it? Will it make it here in one piece?
Please let me know what you think.
On another note, remember the Ethan Allen mirror I have been lusting over?
It costs $669 plus tax, plus delivery. I just can't justify that.
However, I was searching for information on the mirror on the internet
and found it being sold on Craigslist for $200!
Only problem is that the listing is across the country. The woman who is selling it has been wonderful, even bringing the mirror to Fed Ex to get a quote to ship. It will cost $143 to ship. That would bring the total cost of the mirror to $343, still less than half of what it would cost new (UPS was even more and the post office won't ship it because the box is too big). The woman told me she owns it two years and it's in perfect condition. I didn't ask why she was selling it...maybe I should.
Friends...I need your advice!!
Am I crazy? Do I even consider it? Will it make it here in one piece?
Please let me know what you think.
Thanks in advance.
Have a great weekend.

Did you factor in insurance incase of damage during shipping?
Hold off, I fell that your mirror will show up soon. Keep looking in the stores or thrift stores.
Too much money....
It's hard to say it's too much because it depends on HOW MUCH you love it! How about checking a drop ship option...freight shipping. Those items are usually in a wooden box not cardboard. Do you know anyone who has a shop and receives shipments? They can give you good advice and maybe can include it in one of their shipments. You could barter....advertising on your blog in exchange for inclusion in the shipment?
I will tell you that I bought two antique pictures in Ga once and had them shipped by of the frames arrived chipped. I hadn't insured it and even if I had, they couldn't be replaced. Luckily I like the "vintage" look...LOL
Good luck!
Hi Judy, your home tour is up. Thank you so much. On the mirror...YIKES still a lot of money. It would probably get there in one piece and would be insured. If you really love it, and want it, it still is half the price!~
Judy, your home tour was fabulous. I love every one of your rooms, they are all fabulous and all of your colors are so me. I could move in and be thrilled with everything. Gorgeous. As for the mirror, I still think that's a lot of money and some similar is bound to turn up where you don't have to risk it getting broken. Hopefully you will find what you want. Hugs, Marty
Just came over from Debbie's and taking the tour of your beautiful home Judy! I say if you love the mirror that much go for it!!
I'll definitely be visiting your home tour at Debbie's, Judy!
Hmm, that's tough. I assume it would be insured? It's very tempting, I know. I guess you'd have to hope you don't get the Fedex guy that was all over the news at Christmas time when he tossed a computer monitor over a fence to land by the person's front door.
If it looks good and there is nothing wrong with it, I think I might just do it.
I just visited your home tour at Debbies....stunning!
As for the depends on just how much you love it.
Judy, the home tour was great! I had been looking for a combo fan/chandy for the master bedroom. I want a chandelier over the bed; but, with this Texas heat, a ceiling fan is a necessity. Thanks so much for sharing!
Judy, what a wonderful tour! Your home is gorgeous! Every detail is so beautiful and your outdoor space is amazing! Thank you for taking us into your home! The mirror is gorgeous and half of the original price, but will it make it in one piece? It is a tough decision! I hate buying things without being able to see them first. I would look around locally before making the final decision.
I would definitely INSURE it so if it is damafed you can recoup your $$$. It is beautiful. I LOVED the house tour over at Debbie's. Thanks for showing us around! XO, Pinky
I will go check out the home tour in a moment although I already know it's beautiful and wonderful from the glimpses here and there! Wow, the mirror, what to do. I think you should maybe wait on it. But if you would be sad that she sold it to someone else and regret not shipping it, then buy it!
personally I could not justify that much for a mirror.It's just so much money.Plus, basically the whole piece is breakable. Sry:(
patience will pay off, I feel it:)
You know what? If you LOVE that mirror and feel that you will be sorry in a year that you didn't get it- I say go for it. There is insurance for shipping and if it IS broken at least it will be covered. You know about 20 years ago there was a bed that I just LONGED for...and walked away from. I have thought about that bed 1000 times and wished I had purchased it.
I am your newest follower- found you through Debbiedoo! xo Diana
If you love it, ship it, fully insured, and enjoy your savings!
Enjoyed the tour of your house. It's great!
Loved the tour from Debbie's!!!! I'm now following you! Your home is beautiful!
Love the mirror but risky to ship.
I just took the tour of your amazing home on Debbiedoo's and it is so well decorated and very enjoyable. Love the kitchen. I would like a chandelier on two or three of my fans, so glad to see that it can be done. Need to figure that one out.
Audrey Z.
Judy, I am on my way to check out the tour. The mirror is beautiful but I would be afraid of breakage during shipping. Unless the seller has the proper shipping supplies the risk of damage is high.
Home decoration is a necessary one for selling house fast.No one can deny its importance.without good decoration one person can not get its desire price.
I would definitely insure the mirror. It is a lovely piece. Maybe one will show up in your area. Big decision!! I'm going to Debbie's now to see the tour. Thanks.
Loved the tour at Debbie's! It was the first time I'd seen your whole home in one big tour. I love how you've created such nice flow throughout your home!
I wouldn't pull the trigger, but that's only because the FedEx guy who drives our run is an idiot, and it would end up arriving in pieces at my neighbor Keith's house. He's constantly delivering our stuff one street over(Cornell vs Cortland.)
At more than half off, it's awfully tempting though. Let us know what you decide.
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