
Thursday, December 16, 2010


I grew up with a Grandmother who crocheted.  She would make beautiful crafts and blankets for everyone she knew.  Although she lived to be 102 I never learned how to crochet while she was alive.  So two years ago I decided it was time to learn.  I went to Michaels and bought these two books.
The "Crochet made easy" book was only a couple of dollars and I found it in the yarn aisle.  The other book had the perfect title...First Crochet.  My mom gave me my Grandmother's crochet needles and to work I went with my book.  Honestly the basic crochet stitches are much easier than I would have ever thought.  At first I held the crochet needle really tightly and my hand would be exhausted after crocheting only a little while.  Once I learned how to hold the crochet needle comfortably I was good to go.  For some reason, this seems to be a winter activity for me.  So although I taught myself two years ago, I only seem to crochet in the cold weather months.  Since it's only 19 degrees here in New York, I've pulled out my crochet needles again.

The granny square is a crochet technique where you produce square fabric by working in rounds from the center outward.  What I like about granny squares is you can just keep working in the round until you get the "fabric" as large as you'd like it.  You can continue in the round until you make a large blanket.  I have been working on this one for a while (mostly because I keep dropping this project to work on other smaller crochet projects).
You can also use a granny square to make a pillow.
I made the pillow using grey yarn and making a granny square large enough to fit my pillow insert.  Then I made a different type of granny square in the pink yarn.  Finally I crocheted a very easy rosette for the top of the pillow.  I sewed all four sides using the same grey yarn.  (The blanket behind was crocheted by my Grandmother).

Then last winter I wanted to make an outfit for my daughter's American Girl doll.  I thought it would be great to crochet her one.  I googled "free crochet patterns" and a ton of sites come up.  There are so many free crochet patterns out there.  They are usually labelled beginner, intermediate, or advanced (I'm still on the beginner side heading toward intermediate).  I found a dress pattern that I thought I could handle.

How cute did this dress come out?  I couldn't believe how little time it took to make this dress...less time that the pillow above.  I just followed the directions and next thing I knew it came out looking like this.  I made a button loop and sewed on a button to close the dress at the top on the back.  I love the little ruffle crochet detail at the bottom.

I know there are so many crafty people out there in blogland.  If you haven't tried crochet, you really should.  It's relaxing plus it gives you another way to express yourself creatively.  Do you crochet?  I'd love to hear from you on what you think of these crochet projects.



Amy said...

I love the doll dress! I've been crocheting for about a year now and the main reason I wanted to start was the birth of our daughter. My mom and greatgrandmother made me all sorts of doll clothes, blankets and stuffed animals when I was a girl! Granny Squares are my favorite thing to crochet! I'll be following you!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so talented. I love the little dress.

Gabe said...

love the pillow. . .what a fun, easy idea of my daughter.

Lovely L Post!

Susan Anderson said...

That dress is adorable!


Sue McPeak said...

Lots of Crochet!!! I've done that for Lots Of Years! Good for you Learning to Crochet and you have made some fantastic projects. Funny post for the Letter L is LACE and much that have and have done is crochet! I hope you'll drop by and see my collection. Also, while there you might really enjoy one of my Blog Friends...Tina at Beansie Babbles...she's a Master at Crochet. Her link is on my sidebar. Great post!

Val said...

I really wish I knew how to do this.... Sigh. Beautiful pieces.

Judie said...

Rod's mum tried for years to teach me to crochet, and I just couldn't get the hang of it. My daughter can crochet up a storm, but she just can't knit! Your pieces are lovely! I'm jealous!

Beansieleigh said...

Well, you had me with the doll and her new doll dress! I love dolls, collect them, and one of my latest projects was making Christmas sweaters for a couple of Cabbage Patch dolls! (a nice pattern if your daughter's doll needs one!)... Nice to meet you, and I'm happy to add myself as (for the moment) your newest follower! ~tina

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh how fun and so pretty. I crocheted years ago, I havn't thought about it in years. I love they beautiful scarves and doillies that you can make. Beautiful. Good for you for tackling something new. Hugs, Marty

Jo said...

i havent crochet for years, but it is indeed very relaxing and quite fun! I love granny squares!

Splendid Little Stars said...

I have tried crocheting, but don't feel very talented in that area. Perhaps I shall try again. I do knit some and that is a Winter activity for me.
The dress turned out wonderfully!

Anonymous said...

i remember my aunt teaching me when i was 20
my first piece was a purple doily
that's before tri-focals
then i made a ripple afghen...
but once i found the granny square pattern
it was granny granny granny
pillows, bedspreads, ponchos,
the versatile granny

funny, that name fits me even now...
even without yarn :)

loved your pink dress ~ too cute
your grandma would be proud :)

Jenny said...

Judy, what a sweet stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.

I love the immortality you give your Grandmother by carrying on something she loved. I hope someone in your family picks it up and continues.

This was such a beautiful post.

I thank you for sharing it with us.


Susan said...

I like crocheting, but it has been a while. I usually just due the plain granny squares, I haven't ventured beyond that. My son's X-GF learned to crochet, and she has been making hats and scarfs and handbags and all kinds of neat stuff. I just do throws and pillow covers. BORING!

your pillow is AWESOME how do you do that flower?

The doll dress is beautiful!
thanks for sharing,

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