
Friday, December 17, 2010

Towel Display

With Christmas just around the corner, you may be preparing to entertain just like me.  During the year you may have your towels just hanging over a towel bar.  But with guests coming, wouldn't it be nice to come up with something different?  Here is a simple, but super cute way to arrange your towels in your guest bathroom.

I started with a basic towel bar that most of us have in our bathroom already.  Rather than just hanging the towels on the bar, I created this.  I took two decorative towels (as you can see there is a satin detail on the edge of each of these towels).  I folded the towels lengthwise into thirds.  I then folded that in half from top to bottom and using a rubberband attached them over the towel bar.  Then I took a coordinating color towel and again folded it lengthwise into thirds.  This time I rolled it.  I sat the rolled towel in the towels hanging from the bar.  I used a decorative tassel and simply wrapped it around the top to cover the rubberband and let it drape down over the towels.  I got my tassel either from Fortunoff or Home Depot Expo - both of which are long gone unfortunately.   

Doesn't that make a better impression than having towels just folded over the bar?

If you don't have a towel bar, another cute way to display your towels when guests come over is in a basket.

I used a basket I had received from a food basket gift.  I like to fold my towels in thirds and then roll them.  

Let me know what you think of these ideas.  Hope you will use them when you entertain this holiday season.

My fabric arrived yesterday so I'm off to start sewing.  Can't wait to share with you my daughter's finished room.

Have a great weekend!



Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love the idea for the towels with the tassels. That is so pretty. I can't wait to see your daughter's room. I know it will be stunning. Have a super day sewing. Hugs, Marty

Tru said...

That is such a cute idea for the towels with the tassels. That way you have "nice" towels on display, but they aren't used.

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

What wonderful towel holders!! Thanks for entering my giveaway. I am having a hard time remembering who has entered so sorry for repeating myself!!

I am already following you and love your blog!!

Jade Cahoon said...

I love your looks so chic! Perfect for the guest bath!! :) I'm enjoying looking around your blog - I'll start following you so I can get your updates! Thanks for sharing!

Vanessa said...

Hi Judy! What a great idea! You are always so clever and these just "class" it up so much! :-)

Brandi said...

Love this idea!
I bet you're super excited your fabric has arrived!

Anonymous said...

Super cute idea... thanks for sharing.

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

What a great idea! Looks so pretty.
Thanks for dropping by and saying HI! I wanted to tell you I got such a kick out of your post about fabric shopping! That is SO me! I can waste more time meandering through fabric stores when I'm supposed to be doing other things!
Can't wait to see your daughter's room! Her fabrics are beautiful! I think the stencil you used is the same one I used for the pink dresser. I only used one section of it.
Have a Blessed Christmas!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Judy, Very pretty and so much better than just hanging a towel. I am looking forward to seeing your daughters room.

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Hi Judy- great idea! It looks very pretty and I love the basket! I have my towels folded in a metal tub in my bathroom- we don't have towel bars and it is does look so charming! Can't wait to see your daughters room- Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday~ Merry Christmas!!

Lisa@The Nourishing Homemaker said...

Hi, I linked over from More Love Monday and I'm following you. I'd love for you to follow me back!

I love the way you did the towels. Really cool!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you know that I love your Christmas coat rack and I featured it as a favorite! Grab your featured button @

MiniBinoy said...

wow!! judy this is a great idea.. luv it!!!WISH YOU AND UR FAMILY A GREAT XMAS!!!

Unknown said...

love this idea! Thanks for linking to FFF. Have a great new year!

Unknown said...

Oh, I really like that idea for hanging towels! Freckled fav tonight. Thanks so much for linking up.

Happy New Year!

kitchen towel bars said...

That was a really nice and cool towel bar you got there. I like it. Really something new.

Unknown said...

What a great idea! Nice blog - I'm in the metal sheet industry and some of your info would benefit us quite well.
Decorative Metal Sheets

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