
Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Love Notes"

With Valentine's Day only a few weeks away, I wanted to come up with a fun way for our family to share a little love with each other.  I thought that it would be nice for us to leave "love notes" for each other.  I just needed to create a container for these notes.  Over the weekend I bought a jar of rocks from Target for my new vignette in my dining room.  You can go here to check it out those vignettes.
This jar was the perfect size.  You could use anything you have...maybe an oatmeal container or potato flakes container.
I got out my stash of scrapbook paper and picked something with that Valentine's Day feel.
I thought this one would be pretty.
I measured the height of the jar and cut the paper to size.
I used a glue stick to attach the paper.
I knew the paper wasn't going to fit completely around the jar.
I used the border from the paper and cut it to "patch" this area.
Using more scrapbook supplies, I glued a heart and the spelled out the words "Love Notes".
A very simple, but cute project.

I added a Valentine's Day pencil and some paper on top.  I made it a few days ago and already it is filled with many love notes from all of us to each other.  In my home we use the words I Love You on a daily basis.  But, I think it's even more meaningful when the time is taken to write loving things to each other.  What could be better than that?

Don't forget my first ever linky party is still going on.  Please link up any of your DIY, Home Decor, Craft etc. projects.  I can't wait to see what you've been up to.



Unknown said...

Judy this is such a cute idea. Please share the notes with us Valentine's Day. Have a great day.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

How fun is this. Your jars are so pretty. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful place to place special notes.

La said...

Fabulous idea! Have fun with it.

linda said...

Great idea!

laxsupermom said...

What a cute idea! I'd love to borrow your idea for my house. It might be fun to see what nice things the boys might come up with to say about each other. Thanks for sharing.

Susan Anderson said...

Lovely idea. And good execution of it, too.


Wendy@Once upon a rose haven said...

Hello Judy, Thank you for sharing such a fun idea. My daughter is having a Valentine's Tea Party and we are going to incorporate your idea as a game.
Have a blessed day! ~*~ Wedy ~*~

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I'd love to see some of the notes! What a great idea....

Mary said...

I am amazed! I could never pull something like that together! I do enjoy and appreciate people like you that do. I've enjoyed visiting your blog and looking at all the pretty things!

Judie said...

What a cute idea! And the possibilities are endless!

Sarah, Three Boys said...

too cute! now that is a crafty project even I could do! Love it!

NatureGirl said...

Very sweet idea. And cute. Share the love...

Kelly said...

Very pretty and thoughtful!


Allison {A Glimpse Inside} said...

Very cute! I have that same pack of paper. Love all the sheets!
Thanks for linking up!

Debbiedoos said...

S W E E T!!~ I love V day...I was doing some crafting today:)

Christina said...

aw so sweet! I love this idea :)

Thanks so much for linking up to "20 Below Thursday"!!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Sweet, Sweet! What a treasure to keep forever...can look back at them year after year!

Gabe said...

i love Valentines Day. . .I added my link to your linky party for a similar idea I had.

Gotta keep spreading the love!

Anonymous said...

how sweet...
i hope you receive as many as you give :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

creative and smart.
you rock.

Anonymous said...

aww that is such an adorable idea! would love for you to come link up to handmade tuesdays @ ladybug blessings!

Pondside said...

What a sweet idea. It's been a long time since I left a love note - we say the words many times a day, but a note really is something special.

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Such a sweet idea! What a cute little jar you created for leaving little love notes-it's darling! Thanks for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

At The Picket Fence said...

That's a darling idea Judy! And that kind of craft is right up my alley. :-) Thanks so much for linking this up to Inspiration Friday this week and being such a great encouragement and support to us At the Picket Fence!

Megan Gunyan said...

What a great idea. I love it!

Jenny said...

Judy! This is Quite a wonderful idea! I've done something similar but your execution is definitely head and shoulders above mine.

I think I might mmodify this idea for my Grands a bit.

Thanks for a sweet link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Q".

You are so talented!


Val said...

Judy, this is the sweetest idea!! My kids would be thrilled. Thanks for sharing.

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