
Friday, April 20, 2012

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Yesterday was the Ethan Allen warehouse sale.  In past years the sale was located over an hour away from my home.  This year they moved the sale and it was less than twenty minutes away from where I live.  This allowed me to get there early and be the first person on the line.  After my son and daughter left for school, I jumped into my car and raced over to the sale.  I arrived at 8:10am yesterday morning.  I was so excited. I had my list in hand as to the items I was looking for (you can check out my list here).  Since the doors did not open until 10am, I had some time to speak with some of the sales people (and chat with other crazy excited people on line).  I showed one of the employees the photo of the dresser I wanted.  She not only went in to see if it was there, but she came back and told me it's exact location so that I would not miss out (it turns out it was the first item when you walked in the door).
As soon as the doors opened I walked directly to the dresser and bought it.
Here it is...the Ethan Allen Julian Chest.  
I bought it for almost $500 less than what they sell it for in the store!!
That bright red tag is the SOLD sign they slap on the piece once someone claims it.
That would be me!! (happy dance, happy dance)
I have wanted this dresser since the day they introduced it...over four years ago.  Each year I would look for it at the sale and each year it would not be there.  It is the type of piece that is so versatile.  It would work in a bedroom, in a hallway, in a living room.  Could I have bought the dresser over the past few years retail?  Sure...but what's the fun in that.  It wasn't something I needed...but it was definitely something I wanted.  I'm sure this dresser will make the rounds in my home spending time in all of the rooms.  I am so psyched to own it!!!!
My plan is to use it outside of my bedroom.  I would love to have the extra storage for off season clothes.  Unfortunately they didn't have the mirror I wanted yesterday (big sad face), so in the meantime (until that mirror shows up at the sale someday) I will figure something out to finish off this area.
As you can see, I need a few things now.

Last year I bought this gorgeous lamp at the sale.  Someone grabbed the second one last year, so I bought the one hoping that at the next sale I could find a mate for it.

Introducing my gorgeous lamp's mate.  After the salesgirl put the sold sticker on the Julian Chest, I ran up the escalator (yes, jumping two steps at a time) to check out the huge table of lamps.  As I walked down the aisle I scanned each and every lamp, and then there it lamp!!
I grabbed it.
A $549.00 lamp for $274.00!!
That's 2 out of 3 items that I wanted coming home with me.
While I was on the second floor I saw this beautiful apothecary jar.  For $30 I grabbed it too.
Picture me walking through the store with the lamp in one hand and this jar in the other, all while looking to see if there was anything else I could score.  
I think the jar looks perfect in the living room (by the way, this toile chair was scored at the Ethan Allen warehouse sale about four years ago for less than half price).

All in all it was the best day.  The doors opened at 10am and I was back in my car, with all the items in my minivan,  by 10:25am.
If nothing else, I am extremely efficient!!
Hope you all have a great weekend.
I can't wait to hear what you think of my finds.
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Debbiedoos said...

How fun Judy. Glad you found the items you were looking for. My husband and I love Ethan Allen. I wish I was rich when I walk in..but realize we are not and walk out LOL. Wish we had that kind of sale here.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

I've not heard them hosting such a sale here...I'd get in line too! Smart shopping and planning paid off, the dresser is beautiful.

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

You must be so excited Judy! I can't believe you've wanted that dresser for 4 years and finally got it on sale! Nice. Enjoy your new treasures.

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

You did GOOOOOOD!!! That dresser looks beautiful in your hall, can't wait to see it accessorized. Glad you found your lamps mate and love the green jar!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Wow! You certainly are efficient, Judy, and I'll bet it helped that you knew exactly what you were looking for. I'm so glad you got at least two of the items you wanted.

Rona Gregory said...

Don't you just love it when that happens! and as the song goes "two out of three ain't bad"

have a wonderful weekend!

Ivy and Elephants said...

You totally outdid your self. That ws some awesome savings. What an inspiring post! I would love it if you would share this post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us.


Anonymous said...

Nice scores! Beautiful chest for your hallway!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Gorgeous. I love the chest and the matching lamp is absolutely stunning. Love that jar too. I think you did great with your finds. Love them all. Hugs, Marty

Laurel Stephens said...

Congratulations! Your planning and efforts sure paid off. Beautiful purchases!

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

Beautiful lamp - lucky you! and the chest is lovely, too! It was your day for sure!

NanaDiana said...

Wow! What beautiful, beautiful pieces. I LOVE the chest and the lamp that you found to match...and that green jar (do they still call them ginger jars) is just a gorgeous accent piece. I would have snapped that green toile chair up in a heartbeat! Good things DO come to those who wait...usually....unless you are waiting to catch the flu! xo Diana

Gina said...

Yes! The minute I saw your post title, I knew you found something on your list! I love the dresser and I can see how versatile a piece it will be. How great to find the match for your lamp! The green jar is a perfect accent to that beautiful chair. You scored big!

Ange said...

Awesome! So happy you scored the dresser and lamp! The jar is really a sweet find too....looks great with the chair!

SheilaG @ Plum Doodles said...

Wow, you did it! I can't imagine waiting 4 years for that dresser- you are certainly more patient and determined than I! It's beautiful! And how blessed to find your lamp's long lost mate. Love the green ginger jar as well, such a pretty color and perfect with your toile chair.

Bliss said...

If I ever leave my suitcase home you're the person I want to bring it to me at the airline gate!


Susan Anderson said...

What a haul!


Rakesh said...

Thanks for posting this blog. Its really appreciated. I abookmark this blog and will get bcak to you shortly. Now am in search for Furniture in Corpus Christi

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

I have many Ethan Allen pieces...I live near High Point NC, but unfortunately there is no Ethan Allen Warehouse here!!....Love that is a beauty!!

Nazrul said...

What a haul! =)

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