
Monday, April 23, 2012

An Unexpected Outcome

Happy Monday!!  It's cold and rainy here today.  A big change from the beautiful weather we've been enjoying for weeks.  I actually had to turn the A/C off and turn the heat back on this morning.

Whenever I decorate I always have a plan in my head.  It always amazes me how that plan can change...and often for the better.  
For instance, take the chest of drawers I bought at the Ethan Allen warehouse sale last week...
  I knew I wanted the Ethan Allen chest of drawers to go right outside of my bedroom.
It would require me moving this table elsewhere.  
I was sure that I would move this to the living room to replace the glass sofa table I have behind the couch.  However,  once I actually bought the Ethan Allen dresser, I wasn't so sure I wanted to move this table to the living room.   I like the lightness the existing glass sofa table gives to the living room, so I wasn't sure exactly what to do with this table now.  
In order to get the sofa table out of the way,  I "temporarily" moved it down the hall 
while we carried up the new dresser.  Hmmm...I kinda liked it in the hallway.
Fast-forward a few's the end result.  I love it in the feels a little like a hotel where they have tables like this along their hallways.  You'll notice I changed out the artwork (the piano artwork was a bit too pastel for the color of the table).
This picture was in our basement.  I switched it out with a different picture.  
I am still trying to figure out where to put the piano picture.
It took a while to get the styling of this table just right.  I didn't want it too busy and I really didn't want anything breakable on the table since it's at the end of the hallway near my son's room and even though my son is a teen and my daughter a tween, they seem to still run through the house.  This basket I had in a closet and I filled it with flowers that were in a different closet.  You can't tell now, but it's actually a little vase filled with flowers that used to be on my vanity combined with a bunch of different flowers.  I covered the book using scrapbook paper and this very cool adhesive ribbon I have.
For the books, I simply used these light weight orbs I had as book ends.
The books are really standing up on their own. 
The lamp actually looks 10x better now that it's in front of this picture.  
The darker colors in the artwork makes everything look warmer.
The lamp is on a timer, which is an added bonus to keeping the hallway lit at night.

Has one of your decorating plans ever changed and landed you with an unexpected but better result?
Do tell...
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Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Seems like my plans always change, I do love this table. It is stunning and it looks amazing in the hall. Gorgeous vignette also. Hugs, Marty

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Very pretty, Judy! I think it looks great there. That happened to me once in our old house. The bottom portion of our dining room hutch was moved into our foyer for new flooring to be put down. I loved the way it looked and afterward wound up getting a chest of drawers for that spot.

miss flibbertigibbet said...

I love it in the hallway. It warms the area so much!I am addicted to timers too and I'm sure the lamp adds such a nice cozy feeling in the evening.
Blessings, Lorraine

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Love the change Judy! Your hall looks so pretty!!

ANNE said...

beautiful! I agree with the hallway positioning totally. (Those books wouldn't last one day in my house with those bookends!)

Nice job & that table is gorgeous!

At The Picket Fence said...

Oh I just love those happy accidents! :-) It looks perfect there Judy and definitely has a hotel feel to it!

Ann @ Housefinally said...

How nice to have room for a TABLE in your hallway, lucky girl. I love the look!

Susan Anderson said...

That was a serendipitous ending! It looks terrific!


AntiqueChase said...

It looks great in the hall!

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Judy, I love your table in the hall! My plans change that way all of the time!! Yours worked out perfectly!

Goldie said...

Looks Great!

Ange said...

Judy, the table looks wonderful in the new spot and the vignette, so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Looks very elegant there.

Gina said...

I believe you've found the perfect spot! It looks wonderful.

Unknown said...

Looks beautiful and yes my plans always change (not that I have any at the moment). My things have been packed away for so long I can't really remember what I have.
So I guess on the upside, when I do get to unpack, I will feel like I have all new things. Thanks for sharing.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Judy...

Sometimes the best design falls into place..quite by accident...I love that! I think your table looks awesome in the hallway! Love how beautifully ornate it is! It would look great at my place...wink! You created a lovely vignette for it as well! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us!

Warmest spring wishes,

Susan said...

Your hall vignette is gorgeous! It looks so warm and inviting!

Debbiedoos said...

Ummmm...yes, that has happened to me....too many times to speak of LOL! Looks great Judy.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

I love the look of this table in the hall. I love all the design detail on the table. You have also created a great looking table vignette.

Sharon @ mrshinesclass said...

Judy, adding the table in your hallway made a huge impact. It causes my eye to stop and really take in all of the artwork and the picture gallery. Wise choice in changing out the artwork. I agree that it is very warm. I like the idea of putting the hall lamp on a The hallway is elegant and beautiful!

Sharon @ mrs. hines class

Cynthia said...

My plans change sometimes the idea I had in my head doesn't always work out. I love this table so very pretty!


Chubby Chieque said...

I can move along that gorgeous table in Stockholm, if you would like me to §;-)

I guess, this is the perfect spot. Really a beauty with the light painting.

Happy TTT,

laxsupermom said...

My plans always change. The table looks beautiful there! I'm so jealous that you have wide enough hallways for furniture. Thanks for sharing.


This is a beautiful French table and I'm like you, always changing things around. I love it in the hall way where you placed it. Gorgeous! Just came from TTT. Hugs,

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Changing things up is a good thing! Very pretty! And I love the timer idea too!

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